Saturday, July 27, 2024

Honorary titles become less and less popular. Being addressed with those titles is also seen as a snobbish act. The abolition of honorary titles has made interactions a lot simpler and avoiding embarrassment when the incorrect title was used.







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The Ethics Council of the Constitutional Court Honors (MKMK) has reprimanded Justice Anwar Usman after being found guilty of violating the Code of Ethics and Conduct for Constitutional Judges.
The Nusantara Capital City (IKN) Authority has revealed that they have been affected by the automatic adjustment policy, resulting in a budget of Rp21 billion (approximately US$1.47 million) being blocked by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati.
British oil giant BP has targeted the production of 176 liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes this year from the Tangguh LNG Plant in Bintuni Bay, West Papua, some 55 cargoes of which are expected to come from Train 3.
PT Chandra Asri Pacific (TPIA), an entity owned by conglomerate Prajogo Pangestu, is forecasting the completion of its Chlor Alkali-Ethylene Dichloride (CA-EDC) plant, which serves as a raw material source for electric vehicle (EV) batteries, by the year 2027.
The Ministry of Public Works and Housing is poised to finalize the selection of the winning bidder for the nation’s longest toll road project, the Gedebage – Tasikmalaya – Cilacap (Getaci) Toll Road.
Minister of Communication and Informatics, Budi Arie Setiadi, has revealed that the draft Presidential Regulation (Perpres) on Publisher Rights is set to be ratified soon.