Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tag: Macroeconomics

Global Power is a nation’s or entity’s ability to influence or control events worldwide. This power can be political, economic, military, or cultural. It is dynamic, changing with geopolitical shifts, economic trends, technological advancements, and cultural developments. Countries aim to boost their global power to gain more influence and security internationally. […]
Rice’s cultural and political significance in Indonesia has evolved since the New Order. Decentralization and market dynamics have influenced this evolution. Despite ongoing efforts, Indonesia’s reliance on imports raises concerns about self-sufficiency, impacting food security and socio-political stability. […]
The 10-member ASEAN, which was established in 1967, has voiced a discourse on a common currency, just like the European Union (EU) with its euro. The regional grouping has its primary objective to accelerate economic growth as well as social progress and cultural development. Whereas its secondary objective was to promote regional peace and stability. […]
Honorary titles become less and less popular. Being addressed with those titles is also seen as a snobbish act. The abolition of honorary titles has made interactions a lot simpler and avoiding embarrassment when the incorrect title was used. […]