Saturday, July 27, 2024


FICINT/hypothetical story-telling of what could possibly happen
What If
Global Power is a nation’s or entity’s ability to influence or control events worldwide. This power can be political, economic, military, or cultural. It is dynamic, changing with geopolitical shifts, economic trends, technological advancements, and cultural developments. Countries aim to boost their global power to gain more influence and security internationally. […]
An Israeli missile hit Iran on April 19, 2024, with blasts heard in the central province of Isfahan, although it is unclear what the target is. However, impacts to Indonesia varies economically. […]
Energy in its form as oil, coal, natural gas, geothermal, hydropower or otherwise, energy plays an important role in development, social welfare, defense and security. Energy issues have become a concern for the Indonesian public in post-reform era. […]
Rice’s cultural and political significance in Indonesia has evolved since the New Order. Decentralization and market dynamics have influenced this evolution. Despite ongoing efforts, Indonesia’s reliance on imports raises concerns about self-sufficiency, impacting food security and socio-political stability. […]
One challenge facing the next president is deindustrialisation of the Indonesian economy. If the president wants to sustain economic growth and provide employments, industrial growth is key. And Prabowo should boost industrial growth if he is sworn in as the new president this October. […]
The third presidential debate that discussed issues of defense and geopolitics was unsatisfactory because the three candidates, in the author’s view, failed to provide satisfying answers when they were asked about their opinion on how to deal with the South China Sea issue. […]
The 10-member ASEAN, which was established in 1967, has voiced a discourse on a common currency, just like the European Union (EU) with its euro. The regional grouping has its primary objective to accelerate economic growth as well as social progress and cultural development. Whereas its secondary objective was to promote regional peace and stability. […]
The geopolitics of energy from China and Russia has grown to be dominant with the help of their GDP, economic values in resources and market channel. Giving them an edge in mutually beneficial bargaining position. However, Western allies are concerned on this balanced of power that could spark a long-term energy volatility to the market. […]
Conventional discourse defines geopolitics as the projection and implementation of bargaining positions in international relations in terms of the geographical position of a country or region relative to other countries and regions. With the concept and doctrine for military superiority as a symbol to control land, air and sea. […]
Understanding the relevancy of contemporary classical geopolitics by looking at the political choices of a country that are no longer bound by geography but its geographical position. Culminating in the relevant era of dynamism, disruption and deception. […]
Military balance can be broadly categorized from two perspectives, namely static factors and dynamic factors. Static factors are the state of natural geography, natural resources and patriotism of the population. For instancel, the country where the condition is spreadly wide, hilly topography, steep with natural obstacles naturally has a distinct advantage. History shows that Greek in The Battle of Thermopylae, […]