Wednesday, February 5, 2025

How-to understand bidding, tendering process of infrastructure project in Indonesia

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Advisor IBP




Participating in tenders is one of the efforts to increase business value and expand network. As for the types of companies that can become bidders, namely all micro-, small-, medium- or large-business entities that are administratively legal. In addition, if the company is going to participate in a tender, it must be ready to always open up insight and knowledge about various things, especially those related to price information. Participating in a tender has terms and conditions that apply, this is to facilitate the filtering process by the tender supervisory body.

Governing law and regulation

  • Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 38/2015 concerning Government Cooperation with Business Entities in Infrastructure Provision
  • Regulation of the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of National Development Planning Agency (Permen PPN/Bappenas) No. 4/2015 concerning Procedures for Implementing Government Cooperation with Business Entities in Infrastructure Provision as amended by Permen PPN/Bappenas No. 2/2020 concerning Amendments to Permen PPN/Bappenas No. 4/2015
  • Regulation of the Head of Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute No. 29/2018 concerning Procedures for Implementing Procurement of Business Entities Implementing Infrastructure Provision through Government Cooperation with Business Entities on the Initiative of Ministers/Heads of Institutions/Heads of Regions (LKPP Reg No. 29/2018) 

Typical procurement or tender proccess

Under Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 38/2015 and LKPP Regulation No. 29/2018, the procurement process in a PPP (Public Private Partnership) project involves the following stages:

  • Prequalification. Prequalification Documents and a Request for Proposal are prepared by the person in charge of the cooperation project or the Government Contracting Agency (PJPK). In a PPP project the PJPK may be:
    • government;
    • regional administration;
    • a state-owned enterprise; or
    • regional-owned enterprise.

  • In the prequalification stage, the administrative requirements, technical and financial abilities of the bidders will be assessed to determine if they advance to the tender/direct appointment stage.

  • Tender or direct appointment. If more than one business entity passes the prequalification stage, procurement is conducted through a tender process. There are two types of tender:
    • one-step tender: the bidders concurrently submit envelope I (containing administrative and technical offering documents) and envelope II (containing financial offering documents). The PJPK evaluates the envelopes and subsequently announces the tender winner; and
    • two-step tender: the bidders are required to submit the offering document. The PJPK then evaluates the submissions and announces the results, followed by a discussion to optimise the offering document based on the evaluation. The bidders then submit the optimised offering document. The PJPK again evaluates the submissions and subsequently announces the tender winner.

  • If only one business entity passes the tender prequalification stage, procurement is conducted by direct appointment. A direct appointment can also be made in a PPP project if:
    • it relates to infrastructure the business entity previously developed;
    • the work can only be done using new technology that only one business entity is able to apply; or
    • the business entity possesses the majority or all of the land required for the PPP project.
Advisor IBP






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