Imam Masykur, a 25-year-old individual, tragically lost his life following an assault allegedly perpetrated by a member of the Presidential Secret Service (Pasukan Pengamanan Presiden – Paspampres) identified as Praka RM.
A video depicting the abuse of the victim, who is a resident of Mon Kelayu, Aceh, went viral on social media. Before the recording was circulated, Imam had been abducted on August 12, 2023.
During the abduction, the victim’s parents received a phone call from the perpetrator, who demanded a ransom of IDR 50 million.
The victim’s mother, Fauziyah, revealed that when contacted, she heard another voice on the line issuing threats that Imam would be killed and his body discarded in a river if the ransom was not delivered.
Finally, 13 days later, Fauziyah received the devastating news of her son’s death and remained unaware of the motive behind the assault on her child.
Suspect arrested
Currently, Praka RM has been apprehended and is undergoing investigation by the Military Police of Jayakarta Military Command (Pomdam Jaya).
Major General TNI Rafael Granada Baay, the Commander of Paspampres, has confirmed that the individual in question is indeed a member of Paspampres.
He did not disclose the exact number of other personnel involved but emphasized that one Paspampres member is currently under scrutiny.
“In connection with the assault incident, the authorities, specifically Pomdam Jaya, are currently conducting an investigation into the alleged involvement of Paspampres personnel in the criminal act of assault,” stated Rafael, as quoted by Antara News.
Nasir Djamil, a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) from the PKS faction within Commission III, also urged Admiral Yudo Margono, the Chief of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), to take decisive action and closely monitor the Paspampres personnel involved.
He suggested that the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) be involved in accordance with its mandate to ensure that all truths come to light.