Thursday, February 6, 2025

Six agrarian ministry employees fired over Sea Fence case

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Renold Rinaldi




Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR)/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Nusron Wahid has fired six ministry employees and imposed heavy sanctions on two others in the wake of the controversial presence of the 30-kilometer sea fence of Tangerang waters, Banten.

“We impose heavy sanctions in the forms of termination and release from office on  those involved,” Nusron told a hearing with Economy and Finance Commission II of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta on Thursday, January 30, 2025.

He did not reveal the employees’ names, but mentioned them by their initials. They are identified as JS, Head of the Tangerang Land Agency when the Land Use Permits (SHGB) were issued in 2023-2024; SH, former Head of the Rights Determination and Registration Section; ET, former Head of the Survey and Mapping Section; WS as Chair of Committee A at the agency; YS, also Chair of Committee A; NS, Committee A member; LMX, a successor of ET; and KA, former Acting Head of the Rights Determination and Registration Section.

“These eight individuals have been examined by the ministry’s inspectorate general and have been sanctioned. Currently, the process of ratifying the sanctions and removing them from office is underway,” Nusron cited.

Rights cancellation

Nusron also revealed that the ministry has revoked land rights for 50 plots out of 263 plots of Land Use Rights (SHGB) and 17 Land Ownership Rights (SHM). Examination of other SHGBs is ongoing to ensure compliance with the coastline.

“We are matching which ones are on the coastline and which ones are outside. The potential revocation of land rights may increase,”he said.

The case of granting SHGBs to hundreds of plots of land in Tangerang has emerged after the emergence of the 30-kilometer sea fence. Of the 50 SHGB/SHM certificates that have been revoked, one of them belongs to PT Intan Agung Makmur (IAM), a subsidiary of the Agung Sedayu Group of companies, owned by tycoon Sugianto Kusuma alian Aguan, which is located in Kohod Village, Pakuhaji District, Tangerang Regency, Banten.

Nusron emphasized that the issuance of the certificates did not comply with applicable legal provisions. He cited that the results of the review of the land boundaries and coastlines showed violations of legal provisions.

Therefore, he said, the issuance of the certificates can automatically be revoked. Nusron added that several other SHGBs are still examined.

Renold Rinaldi






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