Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Indonesian Army General Yudo Margono visits the Pentagon, discusses strategic partnership and South China Sea

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Imanuddin Razak




Indonesian Army General Admiral Yudo Margono, met with the United States Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff (CJCS) General Mark A. Milley in Washington DC on Wednesday (21/6) US local time.

The meeting between Admiral Yudo and General Milley took place in the Pentagon. Both army officers discussed chances of military cooperation, including in the field of joint practice, education, official state visit, and information exchange.

According to a written statement dated Sunday (25/6), the purpose of the cooperation is to maintain stability in the territory of the South China Sea, especially in relation to the ASEAN territory.

During the visit, General Yudo also met with the Assistant of the US Secretary of Defense for Asia Pacific and East Asia Ely Ratner.

Visit to Hawaii

In addition to the Pentagon, Army General Yudo Margono also visited the US Military Command Base for Indo-Pacific Region (USINDOPACOM) in Aiea, Hawaii on Friday (23/6).

General Yudo met with Admiral John C. Aquilino, who is the highest ranking US military officer for the Indo-Pacific region.

Both officers discussed about the state of regional security and cooperation in various sectors, including the Super Garuda Shields training program.

Strategic partnership and Super Garuda Shields

General Yudo and Admiral Aquilino also discussed other strategic issues to modernize the strategic military partnership between the US and Indonesia.

“The Indonesian Army General reiterated his commitment to create a peaceful and prosperous Indo-Pacific region. Both the Indonesian and the United States high ranking military officials also discussed the development of security condition in the South China Sea,” the Indonesian Army official statement reads on Sunday (25/6)

“In addition, both high ranking officials also discussed plans to conduct the Super Garuda Shield 2023 joint training by the end of August,” the statement continues.

The Super Garuda Shields is one of the military joint training operation intended to improve the quality and capability of Indonesian armed forces.

The training also serve as a military diplomacy effort to increase trust and understanding between all countries taking part in the training, and to achieve peace and stability within the Indo-Pacific region.

Imanuddin Razak






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