Thursday, July 4, 2024

CITIC CLSA ASEAN Forum showcases investment opportunities in Indonesia, SE Asia

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Gusty da Costa




Jakarta − The 20th CITIC CLSA ASEAN Forum began on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, bringing altogether over 600 delegates from 16 countries, including more than 300 institutional investors and 300 senior executives from 110 of the region’s top growth companies.

The three-day Forum connects specialists, influential business leaders, and analysts, who shed light on the countless bright spots ripe for the taking within Indonesia and across Asean.

The Forum unveils insights on crucial themes such as technology, ESG, global equities and the macro environment. Thought leaders share unique perspectives and lead thought-provoking discussions through one-on-one and group engagements.

Alexander Redman, Chief Equity Strategist at CITIC CLSA, opened the Forum with a presentation on investing in ASEAN and beyond. Other speakers include Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister for MAritime Affairs and Investment Luhut B. Pandjaitan and Bonnie Y. Chan, CEO of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing.

“ASEAN is witnessing solid economic growth on the back of digital transformation, urbanization and a rapidly-expanding middle class. This region is quickly evolving into a global powerhouse, with manufacturing shifts and sustainability initiatives creating unprecedented opportunities. Our Forum serves as an all-in-one platform for investors to connect with industry leaders and market experts, providing rare perspectives to help them capitalize on Southeast Asia’s rising trajectory.” Edward Park, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at CITIC CLSA, said.

Shaun Cochran, Head of Research at CLSA, added: “After more than a decade of market leadership by US indices, emerging markets − and Asean in particular − present significant market opportunities in both absolute and relative terms.”

Gusty da Costa






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