

Ministry of industry to adjust TKDN calculation method

The Ministry of Industry is gearing up to implement adjustments in the calculation method for the Domestic Component Level (TKDN).


Business matching 2024 garners contracts worth Rp90 trillion in less than a day

The Ministry of Industry recorded a total contract commitment of Rp90 trillion (US$5.8 billion) during the Business Matching 2024 event on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.


Observers urge investigation into alleged irregularities in vote counting

A legal election from the University of Indonesia, Titi Anggraini, has urged the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) to seriously investigate allegations of the shifting of invalid votes into the vote count of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI).


Repair of 10 road sections, a bridge in East Kalimantan completed

The Ministry of Public Works and Housing has completed the repair of 10 road sections and 1 bridge in East Kalimantan, utilizing a budget of Rp561 billion (USD 39.2 million). This significant infrastructure achievement aligns with the objectives outlined in the Regional Road Presidential Instruction (IJD) and underscores the government's commitment to enhancing regional connectivity and fostering socio-economic development.


Indonesia mulls tax adjustment for crypto transactions

In a bid to stimulate the growth of domestic crypto market, the Indonesian Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Bappebti) is considering a tax evaluation that would require investors to bear only half of the current tax burden.


DPD plenary session agrees to form Special Committee on 2024 Elections

The 9th plenary session of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) on Tuesday, February 5, 2024, agreed to set up a special committee to follow up on reports of frauds in the recently concluded 2024 general elections.


Government defends new Ministerial regulation on rooftop solar power plant

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resource Arifin Tasrif issued Ministerial Regulation Number 2/2024 on Rooftop Solar Power Plant, a revision to the ministry regulation number 26/2021.


Presiden Xi's belt road initiative and its pivotal role in Indonesia's nickel triumph

Indonesia has emerged as a global powerhouse in the nickel industry, overcoming staunch opposition from the European Union through the World Trade Organization.


NGOs criticize free lunch program by Prabowo-Gibran

A number of non government organizations have critized the free lunch program initiated by presidential and vice presidential candidates pair of Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, citing its negative implications.


Jokowi releases first batch of ammonium nitrate

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo inaugurated the first delivery of ammonium nitrate produced by State-owned PT Kaltim Amonium Nitrat (KAN) in a ceremony held at the Bontang Industrial Estate Zone (KIE) in East Kalimantan on Thursday, February 29, 2024. The company, which is a joint venture between PT Pupuk Kaltim (a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia) and PT Dahana Investama Corp. (a subsidiary of PT Dahana) has a production capacity of 75,000 metric tons of ammonium nitrate per year with an investment of Rp 1,2 trillion (US$76.3 million).


MK discards parliamentary threshold by 2029 citing no rational basis

The Constitutional Court (MK) considers that the parliamentary threshold provision of 4 percent is not in line with the principles guaranteed by the Constitution, therefore suggesting that it be discarded by the 2029 election.

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