Unveil the stories of influential figures transforming Indonesia’s industries, economy, and political landscape.
Ida Fauziah
Ida Fauziah was born in Mojokerto in 1969. She is the current Minister of Manpower. As a child, she studied at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) and graduated in 1989.
I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati
I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati or known as Bintang Puspayoga was born in 1968. Darmawati is the current Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. She is the daughter of husband and wife Gusti Ngurah Gde Sutedja (late) and Ni Jero Samiarsa. She has 8 brothers and sisters, namely, Gusti Ayu Mas Darwati, Gusti Ayu Mirah Rosiati, Gusti Ayn Manik Srinadi, Gusti Ngurah Jaya Negara, Gusti Ngurah Gde Marhaendra Jaya, Gusti Ayu Oka Artini A, Gusti Ayu Inten Dharma Dewi, and one brother died. She is passionate about economics and development. IGA Bintang Darmawati has a son named Anak Agung Ngurah Abiyoga, and she is wife of the former Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises in the Working Cabinet era (2014-2019) A.A Gede Ngurah Puspayoga and once the mayor of Denpasar.
Ganjar Pranowo uses social media to communicate with public
Ganjar Pranowo was born in Karanganyar, Central Java in 1968. Ganjar is the governor of Central Java. He is married to Siti Atikoh Supriyanti and has a son Muhammad Zinedine Alam Ganjar. Ganjar is the son of Pamuji and Sri Suparmi. His father is a police officer who makes Ganjar always follow his father's discipline while his mother is a housewife who always teaches the norms of life to her children. Ganjar’s family is a fairly modest family.
Erick Thohir builds long career with media business
Erick Thohir is a very well known figure in Indonesian business and politics. He is one of many members of the famous Thohir family who has various businesses in Indonesia. The Thohir family has many businesses, such as Mahaka Group owned by Erick and Adaro Energy by Garibaldi Thohir. Thohir now is the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises.
Budi Karya Sumadi
Budi Karya Sumadi was born in 1956 in Palembang to a husband and wife, Abdul Somad Sumadi and Kusmiati. He is the current Minister of Transport. Since childhood he has been helping his parents, at the age of 10 he helped his parents in selling candles, dry food and banana jam. He sells through two methods, namely: leaving it at the shop and selling it himself to potential buyers. His father, Abdul Somad Sumadi worked at the Regional Office of the South Sumatra Ministry of Education (1962), previously working as a teacher who was sent by Soekarno. While his mother was a kindergarten teacher who was a member of the South Sumatra DPRD in 1956-1959, his mother had also been the editor of the People's Torch published in 1962.
Arifin Tasrif
Arifin Tasrif was born in 1953 in Jakarta, he is the current Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources or Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (Men ESDM). Tasrif started his education at Elementary School or Sekolah Dasar (SD) St. Xaverius in 1959 until 1965 and Junior High School or Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Kanisius in 1965 until 1968 in Jakarta. Tasrif continued his education to the high school level at the Harapan Education Foundation, Medan in 1968 until 1971. After graduating he studied Chemical Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology or Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1971 until 1977. The ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization gave an Honorary Fellowship Award in 2011, because Arifin has contributed to the engineering profession in Indonesia and the Southeast Asian region.
Anwar Usman, the guardian of the Constitutional Court
Anwar Usman was born in 1956 in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). He is the current Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court. He was born to a husband and wife, Usman A. Rahim and Hj. St. Ramlah. Usman attended school starting from State Elementary School (SDN) 3 Sia and graduated in 1969. Then, he attended the State Religious Teacher Education School (PGAN) for 6 years until graduating in 1975. He had to be separated from his parents for 6 years. While there, he learned to be disciplined and independent. After that, he received the blessing of his father to migrate to Jakarta to become an honorary teacher at the Kalibaru Elementary School. When he became a teacher, he continued to S1, he chose the Faculty of Law, Jakarta Islamic University and graduated in 1984. Then, the elementary school where he migrated became a foundation which he then leads until now.
Andika Perkasa climbs the ladder to the top military position
Andika Perkasa was born in Bandung in1964. He is now the Commander of the Indonesian Military (TNI), a position he has held since November 2021. Andika is married to Diah Erwiany Trisnamurti Hendrati Hendropriyono, the daughter of the former Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Lt. Gen (ret.) Abdullah Mahmud Hendropriyono, and has a son named Alexander Akbar Wiratama Perkasa. Andika is the son of Sunarto and Udiati. Andika's father is an Army officer. Even though he was born in a Sundanese environment his family is from Blitar, East Java.
Airlangga Hartarto, from business to politics
Airlangga Hartarto is one of senior ministers under President Joko Widodo. He holds the position as the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs for the period of 2019-2024. A businessman by trait, Hartarto had connections with the New Order, by holding various positions during the reign of Soeharto. Hartarto has principles that have always made him successful in his business and later in politics, particularly things he learns from Mahatma Gandhi. As such, his principles are to avoid the seven things, namely, wealth without work, pleasure without consciousness, knowledge without character, business without morals, science without humanity, appreciation without sacrifice, and politics without principles. During his time, he held many companies, notably the Sorini Corporation, Bhisma Narendra, Jakarta Prima Crane, and Fajar Surya Wisesa. His success during the New Order and his experiences made him a prime candidate for Jokowi's cabinet.
Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita follows in his father’s steps
Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita gets political traits from his father. He followed his father's footsteps and he joined the Golkar Party. His popularity soared while being a member of the party and held important posts in the government. He made some achievements during his time. Kartasasmita is known to be a loyal person, hardworking, serious and wholeheartedly and some see him as a perfectionist.
Agung Firman Sampurna, serving the public through State Audit Body
Agung Firman Sampurna was born in Madiun, in 1971. He is the head of the Supreme Audit Body (BPK) for the period of 2019-2024. He is married to Dian Anggaraini and has one child named Rachmat Saputra. Early in his life, he started studying at State Elementary School (SDN) 65 Palembang and graduated in 1984. Then continued his studies at State Junior High School (SMPN) 1 Palembang and graduated in 1987.
Abdul Muhaiman Iskandar, from teacher to politician
Abdul Halim Iskandar was educated in a madrasah (Islamic school) from a very young age. He is very well educated in religion, philosophy, and educational sociology. He started out as a teacher at a madrasah then a dean at a university, and later on becoming the speaker of the Regional Legislative Council (DPRD). Iskandar owns a hospital, funded by the Nahdlatul Ulama institution before becoming the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration for the period of 2019-2024.