Saturday, July 6, 2024

Akatara gas facility commences operations

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Journalist IBP




Jadestone Energy (Lemang) Pte. Ltd. has completed the construction of the Akatara gas facility and initiated the first gas flow from the well to the facility, marking a significant milestone in the commercialisation of gas resources in Jambi Province.

“On June 18, 2024, Jadestone completed the mechanical construction, followed by the initial gas flow from the well into the facility on June 22, 2024,” Andi Iwan Uzamah, General Manager of Jadestone Energy (Lemang) Pte. Ltd., said in a press statement quoted on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

This achievement marks the final stages toward the commercialization of gas, condensate, and LPG in Bram Itam, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi Province. This independent oil and gas company, which focuses in the Asia-Pacific region, began constructing the Akatara gas facility in September 2022.

“This accomplishment results from the extraordinary efforts of all parties involved, not just the Jadestone team but also the Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Task Force (SKK Migas), contractors, government, and other stakeholders,” Andi said.

Hudi D. Suryodipuro, Head of the Program and Communication Division of SKK Migas, said that the completion of the Akatara gas facility is expected to increase national gas production by 25 MMSCFD.

“The Akatara gas facility greatly aids gas distribution, ensuring that gas commercialization significantly contributes to the nation and meets the needs of the Batam region of the State electricity company PT PLN,” Hudi said.

He added that SKK Migas will continue to encourage Production Sharing Contractors (PSCs), including Jadestone Energy (Lemang) Pte. Ltd., not only to build commercial gas facilities but also to expand exploration in new areas in Jambi Province.

Journalist IBP






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