Saturday, July 27, 2024

Workers unite on May Day 2023 to repeal Omnibus Law and fair labor treatment

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Journalist IBP


Mahinda Arkyasa



The Association of Indonesian Trade Unions (ASPEK Indonesia) submitted a number of demands made by laborers during May Day 2023 in an effort to fight policies that are very detrimental to workers stipulated under the Omnibus Law.

Mirah Sumirah, President of ASPEK Indonesia, asserted that the Government and the House of Representatives (DPR) have not carried out the mandate of the 1945 Constitution carefully. ASPEK argued that there are at least two state obligations that must be met by the Government in providing jobs and a decent living conditions.

According to ASPEK, the Job Creation Law is a way for the Government and the DPR to make it easier for domestic and foreign investors to make investments in Indonesia. However, this is not in accordance with the aspirations of the people, and instead favors the interests of investors. With the existence of the Job Creation Law, job security , and social security guarantees are eliminated.

On May Day 2023, ASPEK made the following demands:

1.       Revoke the Omnibus Law on Job Creation because it has the following impacts:

a.       Easy layoff (PHK) with less compensation compared to the provisions in the Labor Law.

b.       Setting the minimum wage perpetuates the politics of low wages.

c.       Simplified contract work system, apprenticeship and expanded outsourcing.

d.       Making it easier for foreign workers (TKA), especially unskilled workers.

2.       Reject Unilateral Layoffs.

3.       Reject the Health Omnibus Bill.

4.       Pass the PRT (Domestic Worker) Bill

5.       Provide welfare and legal certainty to Platform/Online-Based Workers.

In addition, workers also demand reforms in the agrarian sector, and food sovereignty, including rejecting the land bank system, rejecting the import of soybean rice, electing a pro-labor presidential candidate, and the working class.

According to Said Iqbal, President of the Labor Party and Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI), around 50 thousand workers took to the streets and attended the May Day 2023 demonstration. Several demonstrators gathered at City Hall, the State Palace and the Constitutional Court Building. Meanwhile, labor demonstrations will also be held in 38 provinces.

Meanwhile, according to Andi Gani Nena Wea, President of KSPSI said, May Day took place in 10 major cities such as Medan, Ujung Pandang, West Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Journalist IBP


Mahinda Arkyasa




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