Saturday, July 27, 2024

PLN Secures 4 Strategic Collaborations to Accelerate Energy Transition at COP 28

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Audina Nur




PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) has successfully secured four significant agreements aimed at expediting the incorporation of renewable energy sources during the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 28, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates over the past weekend.

PLN’s strategic initiative involves the rapid advancement of the Accelerated Renewable Energy Development (ARED) program, with the goal of diminishing emissions by as much as 127 million tons of CO2 by the year 2030.

Darmawan emphasized the necessity for global collaboration across policies, technology, innovation, and investment to effectively address the environmental challenges, stating, “We are fully committed to executing this energy transition, recognizing that it requires collective international efforts.”

In pursuit of technological advancements crucial for the development of renewable energy sources, PLN announced a collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), based in the United States.

This partnership will focus on the study and enhancement of PLN’s control center, ensuring the efficient and economical operation of Accelerated Renewable Energy Development (ARED) generators.

Specifically, the integration of network systems in Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and Sumatra will be assessed to harness the considerable renewable energy potential in these regions.

Darmawan highlighted the importance of a reliable transmission network, stating, “The transition is contingent upon an effective transmission network, and thus, technological collaboration is vital in establishing a robust system capable of addressing the disparity between renewable energy sources and demand.”

In another significant collaboration, PLN joined forces with GEAPP to spearhead projects that substantially reduce carbon emissions in the electricity sector.

The focus is on replacing fossil-based power plants with domestic energy sources according to each region’s potential. This partnership will accelerate initiatives such as de-dieselization, electric vehicle infrastructure, and the overall development of renewable energy sources in Indonesia.

Furthermore, PLN has entered into an agreement with PT SMI and KfW to leverage the Project Development Facility (PDF) managed by PT SMI for pumped storage hydroelectric power plant projects in Indonesia, expediting the ongoing energy transition.

KfW and PT SMI will contribute by providing support in the form of feasibility studies and environmental & social scoping during the preparatory stages of the Grindulu Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant (4×250 MW) and the Sumatra Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant (2×250 MW).

Lastly, PLN, in collaboration with CEP, ADB, and INA, is actively working towards the accelerated retirement of PLTU Cirebon by December 2035, anticipating an earlier timeline than the initial target of July 2042. This strategic effort is anticipated to prevent emissions of up to 30 million tons of CO2.

Darmawan expressed optimism in obtaining support from the green financing country platform, under the guidance of Ibu Sri Mulyani, to further expand their endeavors in energy transition. The financing scheme is projected to facilitate the expansion of PLN’s Accelerated Renewable Energy Development (ARED) projects to a capacity of 21.6 GW.

Audina Nur






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