Sunday, September 29, 2024

PLN inaugurates newly constructed Ground-mounted Solar Power Plant in W. Java

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Gusty da Costa




A consortium of State electricity company PT PLN, represented by its subsidiary PT PLN Batam, and solar power generation technology provider PT Aruna Cahaya Pratama, inaugurated on Thursday, August 29, 2024 the Ground-mounted 100 Megawatt peak (MWp) of solar power plant (PLTS) in Purwakarta, West Java

Secretary at the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Susiwijono Moegiarso, said the inauguration of the solar power plant is a realization of the government ‘s
commitment to use renewable energy resource sustainably and reduce the independence to fossil fuels.

“The solar power plant can produce clean energy that will reduce carbon emission equal to 118,725 tons of CO2 per year. The government has determined the project as the National Strategic Project through the development of large-scale solar power plant,” Susiwijono said in a statement on Friday, August 30, 2024.

Director General of Electricity at the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry, Jisman P. Hutajulu, appreaciated PLN ‘s move to collaborate with various parties in encouraging the development of clean energy in Indonesia.

“Solar power plant that is inaugurated today is not about a power plant facility only, but also a milestone in our energy transition efforts towards a cleaner and more sustainable future,” Jisman said.

Jisman added that he was impressed that the consortium could complete the construction of the largest ground-mounted solar power plant in Indonesia in a short time, only about seven months.

“I am personally very happy and impressed because this PLTS is the largest and the most rapidly constructed solar power plant. It also uses cutting-edge technology that whenever there are technical challenges with the PLTS, we will be able to solve them immediately,” he said.

Purwakarta regent, Benni Irwan, appreciated and supported the construction of the Ground-mounted Solar Power Plant in Purwakarta.

“We are honored because Purwakarta now has two large-scale solar power plants,” Benni said.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained that PLN is committed to fighting global climate change through the use of new and renewable energy in collaboration with various parties.

“With the spirit of preserving the earth, we are here with pride. One of the results of collaboration is the inaugural operation of this ground-mounted 100 MWp PLTS in Bukit Indah City,” Darmawan said.

Gusty da Costa






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