Thursday, October 24, 2024

PLN committed to hydrogen ecosystem development in Indonesia

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Gusty da Costa




State electricity company PT PLN is pioneering the development of the hydrogen ecosystem in Indonesia, citing its commitment to support energy transition in the country. PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said that PLN is fully committed to the development of hydrogen in Indonesia. This is in line with PLN’s commitment to support the energy transition in Indonesia.

“Hydrogen is one of the key pillars in achieving Net Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2060. PLN views hydrogen as the energy of the future in supporting efforts to reduce emissions,” PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

PLN Director of Generation Management, Adi Lumakso, said that the company has built an end-to-end green hydrogen ecosystem. PLN has 22 Green Hydrogen Plants (GHPs) utilizing geothermal power plants, solar power plants, and renewable energy certificates.

“We see opportunities in the company’s operations. We utilize the existing facilities in our power plants, then we innovate by utilizing 100 percent renewable energy to produce green hydrogen,” Adi said.

From a total of 22 GHPs, PLN is able to produce 203 tons/year of green hydrogen, of which 75 tons of hydrogen is used for the operational needs of the power plant. Meanwhile, 128 tons can be used to support other needs, including hydrogen vehicles.

Not only Green Hydrogen Plants, PLN also has a Hydrogen Refueling Station (HRS) or hydrogen vehicle filling station located in the Senayan area, Jakarta. The HRS, which was inaugurated in February 2024, became the first HRS in Indonesia.

Adi added that PLN also continues to set up collaborations with various parties to develop green hydrogen in Indonesia.

“With various existing potentials, we believe Indonesia can become a leader in the application of new sustainable energy technology,” he said.

As earler reported, Deputy for Coordination of Maritime Sovereignty and Energy at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Jodi Mahardi, told the Indonesia International Hydrogen Summit in Jakarta on Wednesday that Indonesia is in an excellent position to fulfil export market demand for low-carbon hydrogen in the future.

He cited that in optimizing the country’s hydrogen potential, the government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has issued a National Hydrogen Strategy which is a road map for hydrogen development in the energy transition era.

According to him, coordination and collaboration are needed, especially in the Southeast Asia region, to improve the hydrogen ecosystem. In addition, policy support is also needed to encourage increased hydrogen production by industry.

“These efforts will ensure that PLN can encourage Indonesia’s leadership in the hydrogen economy,” Jodi said.

Gusty da Costa






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