Thursday, September 12, 2024

Pertamina secures collaboration with Japan’s companies at AZEC Meeting 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Gusty da Costa




State energy company PT Pertamina and its sub-holdings signed a cooperation with Japanese institutions and global companies on efforts to achieve government target on Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2060 during the second Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) 2024 Ministerial Meeting.

The Japanese companies include Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI), Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC), MARUBENI, Japan Petroleum Exploration Company Limited (JAPEX) and Toyota Tsusho Indonesia.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto, said AZEC became a meeting forum between government institutions, leaders in industry and experts in order to play important role in renewable energy and sustainability practice in all sectors in the world.

“The AZEC Forum focuses on sustainable development and encourages NZE agenda. I would like to thank you all partners and stakeholders who have realized this initiative. This decision and expertise is valuable in starting the initiative together,” Airlangga said on Thursday, August 22, 2024.

Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Rosan Perkasa Roeslani, said the partnership between Indonesia and Japan is one of the main foundation to encourage carbon business ecosystem in Indonesia in line with NZE target by 2060.

The signing of the cooperation strengthened the previous agreement in various sectors, among others are potential collaboration in energy transition era; trade insurance and credit facilities; geothermal power plant; measurement and qualification of methane gas emission in Donggi Matindok field and JOB Tomori; CO2 Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)-Enhanced il Recovery (EOR) injection in Sukowati field (phase2) and bioenergy production by applying CCUS technology in South Sumatra area.

Present at the signing ceremony were Emma Sri Martini (Finance Director of Pertamina), A. Salyadi Saputra (Director of Strategy, Portfolio, & Business Development (SPPU) of Pertamina), Takeda Sachiko (JICA), Kazuki Hondo (NEXI), Wataru Ikushima (MARUBENI), Tomomi Yamada (JAPEX), and Hiroyuki Mori (JOGMEC).

In addition, a number of Pertamina and Subholding management executives, including Oki Muraza (Senior Vice President of Technology Innovation), Chalid Said Salim (President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi), Julfi Hadi (President Director of Pertamina Geothermal Energy), Muhamad Arifin (Region 4 Director of Pertamina EP), Andry (General Manager of JOB Pertamina Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi), and Zulfikar Akbar (General Manager Zone 11 of Pertamina EP).

Net Zero Emission in 2060

Emma Sri Martini said that Pertamina has full commitment to support the government in realizing Net Zero Emmision in 2060 or faster as collaboration with international companies from Japan hopefully will accelerate the achievement of the target.

“We have the same goal to reduce carbon emission by exploring the potential of collaboration to produce green and free of carbon energy,” Emma said on the sidelines of the signing ceremony.

The signing of collaboration between Pertamina and all Japanese companies were conducted on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 and it is officially announced to public on 2nd AZEC 2024 Ministerial Meeting on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

Emma added that the cooperation with Japan’s company is a real measure for Pertamina in leading energy transition in Indonesia. Various initiatives for energy transition has been taken by Pertamina, among others increasing energy from geothermal, green energy development, hydrogen commercialization, biorefinery development, and the application of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology until the development of electric vehicle battery ecosystem.

Gusty da Costa






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