Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Experts reveal nickel mining’s impact on marine sedimentation, public health

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Journalist IBP




Research conducted by experts at Ternate-based Khairun University highlights the severe impact of nickel mining on marine sedimentation and public health, especially in the coastal areas near East Halmahera regency, North Maluku province.

“Nickel mining activities in East Halmahera, particularly around Buli Bay, are causing significant sedimentation in the surrounding seas, with dire consequences for marine life and public health,” Muhammad Aris, a lecturer at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science at Khairun University, said during a virtual discussion on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Aris reported that their research, which involved sampling the sea at various depths near the nickel mines, indicated an alarmingly high level of sedimentation.

“When we conducted sampling, at depths ranging from 5 to 17 meters, we found extremely high levels of sedimentation,” he said.

The research showed that this sedimentation has a profound effect on marine organisms in the area. The study found that the solubility of metals, including iron, nickel, and others, in the vicinity of the mines has exceeded acceptable quality standards by a significant margin.

“The levels are extraordinarily high, up to 30 to 50 times the permissible limits,” Aris noted.

This elevated metal solubility is detrimental to marine life, particularly affecting the organs of fish, such as muscles and reproductive organs, which are critical for their survival and reproduction.

Consequently, there has been a drastic decline in marine biodiversity and fish populations. Interviews with the Fisheries and Marine Office of East Halmahera regency administration revealed that currently, only one group of fishermen remains operational.

Riza Salman, a journalist with Mongabay, shared his observations from reporting in the nickel mining areas. He noted that the mining activities pose threat to coastal natural resources and public health.

“Locals used to describe the area as a paradise, providing water, nutrition from coastal forests, and protein from shallow waters. However, the mining activities have caused extensive damage,” Riza said.

The environmental damage from the mines has led to a loss of biodiversity. Riza pointed out that previously abundant shellfish, a crucial protein source for the community, have become scarce.

“Shellfish, which were once readily available after a few hours of rowing, have now become hard to find,” Riza said.

Collaborative research with Kendari-based Halu Oleo University found that shellfish samples collected near the mining areas contained unhealthy levels of metals.

“We took three samples of shellfish and tested them at the Halu Oleo University’s laboratory. The results showed high levels of cadmium, making them unsafe for consumption,” Riza reported.

In addition to the decline in biodiversity, the sedimentation from nickel mining has caused health issues among the local population, including skin irritations and respiratory problems due to dust and sediment exposure. Elderly residents are experiencing prolonged dry coughs from the dust generated by mining operations.

The findings underscore the urgent need for regulatory measures to mitigate the environmental and health impacts of nickel mining in the region.

Journalist IBP






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