Saturday, July 6, 2024

PLN builds over 624 EV charging stations until 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Gusty da Costa




In support of Electric Vehicle use and development, PT PLN has built 54 units of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) throughout 2023, bringing to a total of 624 SPKLUs in 411 locations that the State-owned electricity company has built across the country.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said PLN is committed to supporting the electric vehicle ecosystem by preparing SPKLUs across various regions of Indonesia. The increasing number of SPKLUs is expected to foster public confidence in switching from fuel-based to electric vehicles.

“PLN continues to transform, improve customer service, especially to support the acceleration of the EV ecosystem. In addition to charging station infrastructure support, diverse features in PLN Mobile also provide various services for the convenience of EV users,” Darmawan said.

Throughout 2023, PLN noted that the number of transactions at SPKLU increased significantly with a total of 119,600 transactions. This is an increase by 404 percent compared to 29,627 transactions in 2022.

The growth of the EV ecosystem can also be seen from the increase in the amount of electricity consumption at SPKLU. In 2023, the total consumption reached 2,464,825 kilowatt hours (kWh) or an increase of 564 percen compared to 2022 of 436,656 kWh.

“The increase in the number of transactions and electricity consumption at SPKLU is a positive signal for the growth of electric vehicles in Indonesia. We will continue to encourage this ecosystem to be more advanced and productive in the future,” the PLN chief said.

Darmawan said that public interest in electric vehicles is expected to increase in 2024. This is in line with data compiled by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), that as of October 2023, there were 74,988 electric motorbike units and 20,414 electric cars that have been operational in Indonesia.

“PLN is ready to support infrastructure needs for charging electric vehicles, in the future PLN will continue to add SPKLU so that the transport sector will be more environmentally friendly,” Darmawan said.

Darmawan detailed, currently, there are 113 SPKLUs, the largest at 43 points, in Greater Jakarta. Meanwhile in West Java, there are 150 SPKLUs are spread across 125 points. In fact, PLN has also established 4 SPKLUs in Papua and 25 SPKLUs in Nusa Tenggara.

“We believe, with the existence of SPKLUs across Indonesia, especially in tourist destination areas, we also help encourage green tourism in Indonesia,” Darmawan said.

In this achievement, PLN built 582 SPKLUs independently at 385 points, while the other 42 SPKLUs at 26 locations were built with a partnership scheme.

PLN provides opportunities for all parties to collaborate in providing electric vehicle infrastructure, namely SPKLU with a partnership scheme.

“With the development of partnership scheme, it is expected that corporations, business groups and even the community will participate in synergy, because the involvement of various parties will accelerate the transformation of the use of electric vehicles in the country,” Darmawan concluded.

Gusty da Costa






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