#Politic & Social


Investment minister violates law in activating mining permit in Aceh, expert says

Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia has shown a careless behavior in activating the mining business permit of a gold mining company in Aceh province, according to an expert.


Understanding political influence in media industry in Indonesia

There are a few Indonesian politicians own media group while several elected lawmakers come from major media groups. The political stance of media in Indonesia comes into question whenever general elections are approaching. Will they be impartial, biased or lean towards supporting certain political parties or figures? Another interesting question is how the media in Indonesia can create public opinion on important issues?


Anies Baswedan's political brief whispers ahead of 2024 elections

A political scenario that outgoing Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan and former vice president Jusuf Kalla are trying to avoid is having two pairs of presidential/vice presidential candidates in the 2024 general elections. The main reason is because it will be difficult for Anies to claim himself as a national figure due to the presence of lslamic hardline political party and groups - such as PKS (Prosperous Justice Party), HTI (Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia), FPI (Islam Defenders Front), Wahabi and the 212 Alumni Association - in its ranks. The track record of Anies and his bandwagon regarding identity politics will be exploited by competitors. A two-pair-candidates scenario is acceptable if Anies' opponent is deemed a weak candidate such as Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P)'s Puan Maharani.


Political whisper among activists related to 2024 general elections

The big scenario which has been done by trio king maker Jusuf Kalla-Surya Paloh-Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for the Presidential election in 2024. The trio will make an effort so Ganjar Pranowo will not be nominated by any political coalition, and then Jokowi’s sympathizers will be conditioned as floating masses, then be dragged to a particular political group.


Papua governor graft case not criminalization: Government

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named Papua Governor Lukas Enembe as a suspect in a IDR 1 billion bribery case. Enembe's lawyer, Stefanus Roy Rening, questioned the basis for the KPK in naming his client as a suspect. 


Labor Party plans to protest until September 26, 2022

Labor Party Chairman Said Iqbal said that party elements of workers, fishermen, farmers, women, youth organizations and other informal workers will continue to protest the government on the latter's policy on fuel price hike. The protests will take place in offices of governors, regents and mayors as well as the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) buildings until September 26, 2022.


Indonesia's lack of seriousness in eradicating corruption

Since September 6, 2022, 23 corruption convicts have been released. Three female convicts were released from the Tangerang Penitentiary. They are:


KPK grills Anies Baswedan of alleged corruption in Formula E

Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan underwent an 11-hour examination with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) regarding the investigation into an alleged corruption case of Formula E.


Indonesia's current politics towards the 2024 elections

Indonesia’s political maturity will be tested again in the 2024 General Elections or at least one-and-a-half years from now as the electoral contestation will begin. The stages of the elections have been carried out, and there have been nonsignificant obstacles, including the expiration of the terms of office of 271 regional heads (governors, regents and mayors) in 2022 and 2023, which have also been handled quite well by the government although they still receive criticism from the Indonesian Ombudsman. Indonesia assessed that there were at least three acts of maladministration that occurred in the appointment of acting regional heads.


Current political safari, maneuver

The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Chairman Giring Ganesha and other party officials visited the Golkar Party office on August 23, 2022. Golkar Party Chairman and Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto welcomed the visit and said both parties shared similar views, including their efforts to avoid identity politics in the 2024 elections.


Labor Party and Labor Unions to protest on September 6, 2022, rejecting fuel price increase plan and the Omnibus Law on job creation

The Labor Party and other labor organizations will hold simultaneous actions in 34 provinces on September 6, 2022. In Jakarta, it will be centered in the DPR RI with an estimated attendance of around 5,000 people, while in the regions it will be held at the Governor's Office followed by the recovery of thousands of workers. Protesters in Jakarta came from Jabodetabek with demands to reject the increase in fuel prices, reject the ratification of the Omnibus Law on Ciptaker, and increase labor wages by 10 to 13% in 2023.


Indonesian workers are skeptical of three social aid schemes aimed at increasing subsidized fuel prices

The government plans to implement three social aid schemes worth US$1.62 billion (IDR 24.17 trillion) to boost people's purchasing power amid the risk of inflationary pressures as a result of an expected increase in subsidized fuel prices.

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