Saturday, July 27, 2024

PLN to illuminate Lampung with 2 mini-Hydro Power Plants

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Audina Nur




In a strategic move toward sustainable energy practices, State electricity company PT PLN has recently achieved a milestone by commissioning two units of the Besai Kemu Mini-Hydro Power Plant (PLTM) in Lampung.

The power plant commissioning signifies a paradigm shift in Indonesia’s energy landscape, reflecting PLN’s commitment to tapping into renewable resources and championing environmentally conscious power generation.

The Besai Kemu PLTM, with a combined capacity of 2 x 3.5 MW, marks a significant stride in augmenting PLN’s renewable energy portfolio. This operational success is a testament to PLN’s proactive endeavors to utilize Indonesia’s abundant water resources for clean energy production. The two mini-hydro power plants are poised not only to meet the rising energy demands of Lampung but also to contribute substantially to the nation’s green energy objectives.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo underscores the considerable environmental impact, stating that the Besai Kemu PLTM is estimated to produce a remarkable 39 gigawatt-hours of green energy annually. This heralds a transformative shift toward sustainable energy practices, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating environmental degradation. PLN’s pursuit of such initiatives aligns seamlessly with global efforts to combat climate change and transition toward eco-friendly energy alternatives.

With Indonesia’s vast potential for renewable energy, PLN’s actions echo a broader commitment to the national transition toward cleaner energy. The two mini-hydro power plants exemplify a collaborative approach, showcasing PLN’s engagement with various stakeholders within and outside the country. This aligns with broader governmental efforts to diversify the energy mix and reduce the carbon footprint, fostering a sustainable and resilient energy ecosystem.        

The commissioning of the Besai Kemu PLTM is not an isolated event but part of PLN’s strategy to increase the share of Renewable Energy (EBT) to 75 percent of the energy mix by 2040. The remaining 25 percent will be sourced from the gas sector. PLN has outlined the Accelerated Renewable Energy Development (ARED) scenario to rapidly enhance EBT capacity, effectively addressing challenges posed by intermittency.

Saleh Siswanto, General Manager of PLN Distribution Lampung Unit, said the plant’s positive impact extends beyond the environmental realm as it serves as a catalyst for local socio-economic development, generating employment opportunities in the Banjit District and fortifying the region’s energy security.

Asep Iwan Gunawan, President Director of PT Uway Energi Perdana, emphasizes the significance of the Besai Kemu PLTM in reinforcing Lampung’s energy supply as it stands as a key contributor to local employment and community development.

Audina Nur






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