Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ministry to sanction PT ITSS if found guilty in smelter explosion case

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Audina Nur




The Ministry of Manpower is ready to take firm measures, including sanctions and law enforcement, if PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS) is proven guilty in the Dec. 24, 2023 Morowali nickel smelter explosion case. Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah said that they are currently in the second phase of on-site inspections held from January 8-11, 2024, following previous examination.

“If there is any non-compliance by the company with the obligations stipulated in labor laws and regulations, then Law Enforcement Officers of the Ministry of Manpower, together with the Law Enforcement Officers of Central Sulawesi Province, will initiate legal proceedings in accordance with applicable labor laws and regulations,” Ida said on Monday.

She said the ministry is ensuring to obtain comprehensive information regarding the causes of the furnace fire accident at the smelter. In the second examination, Ida deployed a team consisting of labor inspectors specializing in production energy aircraft, electrical specialists, fire prevention specialists, workplace environmental specialists, and Manpower Law Enforcement Officers.

“They are focused on examining labor aspects, namely compliance with Occupational Health and Safety (K3) requirements in the repair of the furnace,” she said. In addition, the Labor Inspection Team is also delving into other K3 requirements that were not met by the company, as well as compliance with other labor norms that must be fulfilled by the company.

On the other hand, they are also coordinating intensively with the Central Sulawesi Regional Police to determine the cause and responsibility for the Morowali nickel smelter workplace accident, including its legal enforcement. Furthermore, Ida stated that the smelter industry poses a high-risk hazard, and therefore, the implementation of its K3 standards must be ensured to comply with regulations.

“As much as possible, it should provide significant benefits for the progress of Indonesia’s economy, including providing employment opportunities for the Indonesian people,” she added.

Audina Nur






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