Wednesday, July 3, 2024

KPK discover illegal nickel export amounting to 5.3 million tons to China

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Imanuddin Razak




The Indonesian government was presented with a surprise after the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) found evidence of illegal nickel export to China.

Supervision Coordinator for Area V of the KPK Dian Patria, explained that the discovery was made based on KPK’s investigation from the Chinese Customs and Excise website.

Dian stated that illegal nickel export has been banned since January 2020. Dian further explained that there was a discrepancy between nickel export data of Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik – BPS) and the data on nickel import from Indonesia recorded by the Chinese Customs and Excise.

As many as 5.3 million tons of nickel ore illegally exported

According to data published by the KPK, around 5.3 million tons of illegal nickel ore have been exported to China between a period from January 2020 until June 2022.

In 2022, China imported 1,085,675,336 kilograms of nickel ore from Indonesia. In 2021, the number was recorded at 839,161,249 kilograms.

The total export value reaches up to US$48,147,632 million.

Meanwhile, in 2020, the Chinese customs and excise recorded 3,393,251,256 kilograms of nickel ore from Indonesia with a total value of US$193,390,186.

The KPK also discovered discrepancy export value in the amount of IDR 8.6 trillion in 2020. Meanwhile in 2021, the export value discrepancy reaches IDR 2.7 trillion.

In a period from January 2022 to June 2022, there was a discrepancy in export value as many as IDR 1.3 trillion. In total the whole discrepancy in export value amounted to IDR 14.5 trillion.

Reaching Luhut’s ears

Initially, the discovery made by KPK concerning illegal nickel export had not reached the ears of Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

He claimed that he knew about the illegal practice only after reporters asked him the question related to illegal nickel export.

Luhut promised that he will investigate the person behind the illegal export and said that whoever involved in this illegal practice must be punished.

Imanuddin Razak






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