Saturday, July 27, 2024

Indonesia advocates for Palestinian rights at emergency UN Session

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Journalist IBP




Indonesia has taken a firm stance in support of Palestine during the Emergency Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, the U.S. As one of the 77 co-sponsors of the resolution titled “Admission of New Members in the United Nations,” alongside 143 other UN member states, Indonesia has voiced its strong support for granting special privileges to Palestine.

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized the historic significance of this move, marking the first instance where an observer state has been granted rights and privileges akin to those of full UN members.

This gesture underscores the global community’s increasing solidarity with Palestine’s ongoing struggle for statehood and recognition.

Palestine, an observer at the UN since 2012, stands to benefit significantly from the conferred privileges, which include the ability to propose and co-sponsor resolutions, participate in UN conferences, and even hold leadership positions within UN committees.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Indonesia’s active involvement in rallying support from countries across various regions has been instrumental in achieving this milestone.

By advocating for Palestinian rights and equality on the international stage, Indonesia aims to contribute to the pursuit of peace and justice in the Middle East region.

The Emergency Session, convened due to a veto by one of the UN Security Council’s permanent members against Palestine’s request for full membership, signifies a critical moment in the global effort to address the longstanding Palestinian issue.

Indonesia’s proactive stance underscores its commitment to upholding the principles of justice, equality, and international cooperation.

Journalist IBP






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