Saturday, July 27, 2024

Al-Zaytun islamic boarding school to remain open and fostered, ensuring continued education for over 5,000 students

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Journalist IBP


Mahinda Arkyasa



Ridwan Kamil, Governor of West Java announced the results of inter-ministerial coordination in discussing the fate of the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School not to be dissolved.

Previously, the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School had drawn public attention following statements made by its caretaker, Panji Gumilang, which led to accusations of deviant teachings. This controversy has prompted Mahfud Md, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs to intervene.

On July 3, 2023, at a ministerial level coordination meeting at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Politics, Law and Security, plans were made not to disband Al-Zaytun because the institution still have students.

“So, it won’t be disbanded because there are 5,000 students who are currently studying and they are the nation’s children who have the right to access education services,” Mahfud said, on July 3, 2023.

Ridwan added that the government would not take over the management of Islamic boarding schools. The boarding school will still exist but with a new management.

“The Islamic boarding school will not be taken over, but will be fostered. The physical building will still be there, the students will continue to study, but with a new curriculum, new or old teachers, but they have been fostered and the main duties and functions are at the Ministry of Religion,” he said.

Furthermore, Ridwan said, the Ministry of Religion would change the curriculum for the Islamic boarding school.

Apart from that, the teachers will also be fostered and accompanied by the Ministry of Religion so that the material being taught does not deviate.

“Later the curriculum and teachers will be assisted and fostered by the Ministry of Religion to ensure that the curriculum, mindset, all must be Pancasila, NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia), which is the obligation of all of us,” he said.

Response from the Ministry

Mahfud MD, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs stated that the Ministry of Religion was tasked with providing assistance to Al-Zaytun, including its students and educators.

This assistance is a guarantee from the government to ensure teaching and learning activities at Al-Zaytun can continue.

“So that the continuity of Islamic boarding school education, which has been running until now, is guaranteed,” said Mahfud Md.

In addition, the Ministry of Religion is authorized to evaluate the implementation of Al-Zaytun education. This goal is to ensure that learning and teaching activities at Al-Zaytun comply with statutory regulations.

“Their rights are fully given and protected. If there is something that deviates from the provision of protection for constitutional rights, this should be voiced,” he added.

Journalist IBP


Mahinda Arkyasa




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