Promising seaweed export in global market
Despite its unpopularity in the domestic market, seaweed has become the top export commodity in fisheries industry. Out of 38 provinces in Indonesia, 23 have seaweed production. The fact has made the country a top exporter for seaweed products. The government and the World Bank are helping coastal communities to increase seaweed products.
40 biggest companies in Indonesia
A diverse range of companies in various industries, from natural resources and manufacturing to banking and telecommunications, plays a significant role in the Indonesian economy. These companies also serve as major employers in the country.
Government restructures palm oil plantation company, to launch IPO for PalmCo in 2023
The government has decided to restructure state-owned plantation company PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) III into three subholdings and would launch an IPO for one of them, which is the oil palm plantation PalmCo.
Pupuk Kaltim set for IPO in 2023
The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises has planned to launch an IPO for its fertilizer company PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) in the first semester of 2023. The IPO proceeds will finance the construction of a urea plant with a production capacity of 1.15 million tons and 1 million tons of methanol per year.
CP Prima expands food processing plant
Aquaculture company PT Central Proteina Prima Tbk (CP Prima) has allocated capital expenditure (Capex) of about IDR 120 billion for its new food processing plant in Kendal Industrial Zone, Central Java.
East Kalimantan develops fishery sector in Muara Badak
East Kalimantan has been developing its fishery sector - including by financing a fish auction building in Muara Badak district, Kutai Kartanegara regency - since 2017 with a total investment of IDR 165.39 billion. The project is part of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)'s 47 national projects.
East Kalimantan expands its investment in fisheries
Kutai Kartanegara regency has been expanding its fishery sector in Kota Bangun district since 2017 with an investment of IDR 59.74 billion. It is part of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)'s 47 national projects.
Sorong develops fish cannery industry
West Papua has been developing a fish cannery industry in Sorong Special Economic Zone (SEZ) with an investment of IDR 1.67 trillion since 2020. The industry is part of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)'s 47 national projects.
Indramayu expands canned fish manufacturing industry
Indramayu regency, assisted by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), is developing a canned fish manufacturing industry in the Losarang district. The project was established in 2018 with an investment worth IDR 1.36 billion.
Cirebon seeks to build a fish processing industry
A fish processing industry is being develop in Cirebon regency, a place with high potential for fisheries that is known in the international market. The investment is worth IDR 66 billion and the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) investment project started since 2020.
Seaweed processing industry development in Nunukan
Nunukan regency in North Kalimantan has been developing a seaweed processing industry, which began in 2019 with an investment worth IDR 19.54 billion, according to the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).
Banten expands rice mill industry
Banten province has been expanding agroindustry in Cibadak district since 2021 with an investment worth IDR 179.29 billion. The district is well-known as a rice producer in Indonesia. The area is highly potential to invest in food industry.