

CPO prices experiences correction amid positive sentiment on supply tightening, effects on Indonesia's exports remain unclear

Crude Palm Oil (CPO) prices experienced a drop in Malaysia. The drop falters amid International Monetary Fund's (IMF) latest projection on lower global growth leading to a further decrease, and prices to fall. However, effects of the decrease against Indonesia export remain unclear.


Eagle High Plantation aims for double-digit growth and further expansion through Capex investment in 2023

Palm plantation company PT Eagle High Plantations Tbk (BWPT), has allocated IDR 200 billion of Capital expenditure (Capex) to add new factories in East Kalimantan, and for maintenance of its machinery and equipment.


Harita Nickel to list on IDX with IPO worth IDR 9.99 trillion

PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk (NCKL) also known as Harita Nickel, will be holding an initial public offering (IPO) to fund its subsidiaries and associate companies.


Energi Mega Persada is looking for new opportunities in finding additional assets

PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (ENRG), a publicly listed Bakrie Group company in oil & gas, is looking for opportunities to acquire additional assets to add value to the company's shareholders.


ANTAM allocates IDR 14 trillion Capex for downstream investments

State-owned Indonesian mining company PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) has set a Capital expenditure (Capex) budget worth IDR 14 trillion, for its downstream nickel industry. The company is currently the largest nickel producer in Indonesia with several mining operations, including:


Sampoerna Agro budgets IDR 400 billion for 2023 Capex

Oil palm and rubber plantation company PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk (SGRO) has budgeted IDR 400 billion (US$ 26.2 million) for its 2023 Capital expenditure (Capex) for plantation development and fixed asset maintenance.


Sawit Sumbermas budgets IDR 1 trillion Capex to prep up production increase

Palm oil company PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk (SSMS) has allocated IDR 1 trillion (65.6 million) Capital expenditure (Capex) in 2023 for planting plants and has targeted a 15% production increase.


New gas reserve of 15.02 million cubic feet discovered in Maluku

The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Task Force (SKKMigas) and Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) Citic Seram Energy Ltd. has claimed the discovery of a fresh reserve of 15.02 million cubic feet of gas on Seram Island in Maluku province, Antara news agency reported.


Sumber Tani allocates IDR 335 billion for 2023 Capex

Oil palm plantation firm PT Sumber Tani Agung Resources Tbk (STAA) has allocated IDR 335 billion (US$ 22 million) Capital expenditure in 2023 to increase its plantation area to 60,000 hectares (ha) in 2025.


Astra Agro Lestari budgets IDR 1.7 trillion Capex in 2023

Palm oil company PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (AALI) has allocated between IDR 1.5-IDR 1.7 trillion (US$ 100-US$ 110 million) Capital expenditure (Capex) for replanting and treating immature plants. The budget - which will be for the maintenance of infrastructure, machinery and tools - will fully come from internal sources.


J Resources Asia Pasifik sets US$ 100 million Capex for 2023

Gold producer PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk (PSAB) has set US$ 100 million in Capital expenditure (Capex) for 2023, mostly for its Doup gold mining project.


Pertamina seeks investors for refinery development

The government has requested state owned oil and gas giant PT Pertamina Tbk to be more pro-active in seeking investors for the development of oil refineries in Indonesia. The company should not rely solely on its own funds to finance the projects.

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