Indonesia, North Korea see declining trade relations
Indonesia and North Korea have seen a continuously declining trend in bilateral trades although both countries had a blossoming diplomatic relations during the Cold War. During Indonesia's First President Sukarno era, trade between the two countries had flourished and has been ongoing even until this day.
Jokowi's ASEAN vision: Securing stability and prosperity for 2045
As the ASEAN 2023's Chairman, Indonesia hopes to bring stability and prosperity in the region on various issues, including climate change, cyber security, digital economy and disruption of the regional supply chain. Therefore, the government must create a strong foundation of cooperation so that ASEAN can face all kinds of challenges in a responsive manner as a region.
Indonesia, Malaysia team up to fight palm oil discrimination, solve issue on migrant workers
President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo met with the newly elect Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim at the Bogor Presidential Palace on January 9, 2023, to discuss on, among others, the palm oil industry in both countries and Indonesia's migrant workers.
Morowali riot sets a time bomb for Indonesia’s nickel industry
The riot in PT Gunbuster Nickel Industri (GNI) on January 14, 2023, between domestic and Chinese workers has signaled an underlying structural problem in the unfair treatment of labors in the industry.
The state should serve as a mediator to prevent Morowali riot from recurring
The state should be present to mediate the workers and foreign investors in cases that could trigger violent acts such as the Morowali riot, which claimed two lives, and prevent the incident from recurring in the future. The root of the problems lies on inequality in working condition, job security, decent salary and social security between local and Chinese workers.
What to consider before investing in Special Economic Zone
The government has prioritized the development of Indonesia's Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in order to attract over US$ 50 billion in foreign investments over the next decade, according to aseanbriefing.com.
Digital cooperation between GCC countries and Indonesia
Indonesia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have maintained their fruitful relations. The 6 GCC countries - comprising of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) - are looking to expand more on their digital cooperation with Indonesia.
Indonesia's trade to China suffers a high deficit
Seventy two years of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and China, both countries have trade imbalance. In 2021, a report indicated the negative trade balance reached around US$ 3 billion. The imbalance was due to China's exports which reached US$ 56 billion while it imported US$ 53 billion from Indonesia.
Top 10 insurance companies in Indonesia
The insurance industry in Indonesia has been growing in recent years, due to the increasing awareness among the people on the importance of insurance. The government has also raised its efforts to increase insurance penetration in the country. The insurance industry is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and comprises of both state-owned and private companies.
NGO mapping and financing in Indonesia
NGOs in Indonesia have served as a significant factor in advancing public or social welfare goals. There are countless NGOs in Indonesia, both international and national/local.
The ‘BTS effect': How Indonesia should learn from South Korean soft 'economy' power
As the current biggest Korean boy band in the world, BTS has been proving its status by breaking barriers and records - in or outside music industry - around the world.
How BKPM secures Indonesia's investment growth during pandemic
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has continued to offer investment opportunities in accordance with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo's instruction.