Policy and Governance

A glimpse into the minds of visionary leaders driving corporate giants and redefining success.

Sri Mulyani Menkeu

Indonesia imposes global minimum tax to ensure fairer, more competitive system

Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, has signaled on the implementation of the global minimum tax in 2025 in line with an international agreement signed by more than 140 countries on December 31, 2024.

Pramono Anung and Rano Karno

Pramono Anung sets up transition team ahead of inauguration in February

Pramono Anung, the elected Governor of Jakarta, has set up a transition team that will prepare power transfer to the new governorship before his inauguration in early February 2025.


PLN applies CCS technology to support NEZ Target 2060

State power utility PT PLN renews its commitment to support the Net Zero Emissions target in 2060 by implementing Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) technology and Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS) on operational power plants. 


Government considers halting new groundwater permits in Jakarta

The government is considering stopping the issuance of new permits for groundwater drilling in Jakarta in view of groundwater basin condition in the metropolis which is classified as damaged, and not just critical.


Economists criticize President's use of personal funds for nutritious meal program

Economists have criticized President Prabowo Subianto for using personal funds to finance the free nutritious meal program, which has the potential to be non-transparent and create a conflict of interest.


Indonesia launches CCS regulations to boost industry, achieve NZE target

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has issued regulations to regulate Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), which are expected to bring new opportunities for  industries amidst the lingering problems, such as infrastructure.


Finance ministry affirms ban on copper concentrate exports starting 2025

The Ministry of Finance has confirmed that it will not relax the policy that bans exports of copper concentrate this year. 


Upstream oil & gas sector welcomes newly established CCS regulation

The upstream oil and gas sector players, grouped under the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), has positively responded to the new Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Regulation (Permen) No. 16/2024 on the Implementation of Carbon Storage Activities issued on December 24, 2024.

2024 State Budget deficit reaches Rp507.8 trillion, 2.29 percent of GDP: Sri Mulyani

Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, reveals that the 2024 State Budget (APBN) recorded a deficit of Rp507.8 trillion (US$31.3 billion), equivalent to 2.29 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but still better than the projected deficit for the first semester of 2024 at2.7 percent of GDP.


Constitutional Court revokes 20 percent presidential nomination threshold

The Constitutional Court (MK) ruled on Thursday, January 2, 2025 that the 20 percent presidential nomination threshold requirement stipulated in Article 222 of Law No. 7/2017 on the General Elections is unconstitutional.

Sri Mulyani Menkeu

Indonesia's 2024 budget deficit lower than latest estimates

Indonesia's budget deficit for the 2024 fiscal year was lower than the government's latest estimate of 2.7 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a top government official said.


Ombudsman cites maladministration in ESDM ministry's approval of mining budget

The Indonesian Ombudsman recently published a report on allegations of maladministration surrounding the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources’ (ESDM) Approval on the Working Plan and Budget (RKAB) for minerals and coal in 2021-2024.

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