Former PTFI president named Chief of MIND ID

  • Published on 04/03/2025 GMT+7

  • Reading time 2 minutes

  • Author: Renold Rinaldi

  • Editor: Imanuddin Razak

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) has confirmed the appointment of former president of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Maroef Sjamsoeddin as President Director of mining SOEs holding company MIND ID.

Spokesperson of the SOEs Ministry, Putri Violla, said that Maroef has extensive experience in the mining industry, including when he served as President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia. 

“We look at his ‘flight hours’, experience, and capacity. At that time, he was the President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia, which was one of the main factors in his selection to lead MIND ID,” Putri told the media, on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. 

Maroef replaces Hendi Prio Santoso as a result of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) on Monday, March 3, 2025.

Putri emphasized that leadership rotation in SOEs is normal, especially in facing increasingly complex business challenges. 

“Leadership rotation in SOEs is something that is normal. The challenges ahead are getting tougher, so there needs to be a figure who can contribute maximally in leading MIND ID," she said. 

She emphasized that the Ministry of SOEs fully supports Maroef in carrying out his duties as President Director of MIND ID. 


Track record

Maroef Sjamsoeddin has a military background and experience in the mining industry. Maroef, a younger brother of Minister of Defense Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, is a retired Indonesian Air Force officer and served as Deputy Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) in 2011–2014. 

Maroef served as President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia from 2015 until 2016. He drew widespread public attention after revealing a recording of a conversation with the House of Representatives (DPR)Speaker at that time, Setyo Novanto, and oil businessman, Riza Chalid.

The conversation recorded in June 2015 revealed the alleged request for shares by Setyo Novanto and Riza Chalid from Freeport. This case was later widely known as the anecdote "Papa Minta Saham,” which became one of the major scandals in the history of national politics and business. 

Shortly after the incident, Maroef resigned as President Director of Freeport Indonesia on January 18, 2016.

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