Defense ministry, TNI united to seek defense budget hike to 1.5 percent of GDP

  • Published on 16/01/2025 GMT+7

  • Reading time 2 minutes

  • Author: Renold Rinaldi

  • Editor: Imanuddin Razak

The Ministry of Defense and the Indonesian Military (TNI) join hands in demanding an increase in the national defense budget to more than one percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), up from the previous 0.89 percent.

The budget increase was one of the main points discussed in the Defense Ministry-TNI Leadership Meeting (Rapim) which was held virtually on Thursday, January 16, 2025.

"The increase in the national defense budget, which was previously at 0.89 percent is projected to gradually and comprehensively reach above one percent, even up to 1.5 percent," Defense ministry spokesman Brigadier General Frega Wenas Inkiriwang said. 

Frega cited that this budget increase was intended to support the modernization of the primary defense equipment and weapons system (alutsista) and the development of the national defense industry. He emphasized that defense equipment is the main priority of the Ministry of Defense and the TNI in 2025. 

"When talking about defense, the components are diverse, from military to non-military. Defense equipment is part of the military component that must continue to be strengthened," he said. 

Some of the modernization targets that are the focus of the Ministry of Defense and the TNI include the procurement of frigates to the development of cyber defense equipment. This measure is considered important to strengthen the national defense posture in maintaining the sovereignty and safety of the nation. 


Lessons from other countries

Frega added that the need to increase the defense budget was also driven by the moves by other countries that are strengthening their defense systems. 

"If our defense posture is weak, of course it will be difficult to maintain the sovereignty and safety of the nation. This is a lesson from countries that have great concern for their national defense," he said. 

This budget increase is expected to be realized gradually and have a real impact on the security and sustainability of the development of Indonesia's defense sector.

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