House summons Pertamina, private fuel companies over alleged fuel oil mixing

  • Published on 27/02/2025 GMT+7

  • Reading time 3 minutes

  • Author: Renold Rinaldi

  • Editor: Imanuddin Razak

Energy, Mineral Resources, and Investment Commission XII of the House of Representatives (DPR) on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 held a hearing with top management of commercial and trading subholding of State energy company PT Pertamina as a follow-up to reports of alleged sales of unregulated fuel oil mix in public. 

Acting President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Mars Ega Legowo Putra, told the hearing that all fuel products sold at official Pertamina gas stations have met the specified specifications.  

"We guarantee that the fuel sold at official Pertamina gas stations is a product with maintained quality," Mars Ega said. 

He emphasized that the addition of additives to fuel is not part of the mixing practice, publicly known as oplos, but rather to improve product performance. 

"The addition of these additives aims to increase the utility value of fuel, such as preventing rust, maintaining engine cleanliness, and increasing vehicle acceleration," he said. 

Mars Ega ensured that Pertamina Patra Niaga does not have mixing or blending facilities at the fuel storage terminal. 

"There are only facilities for adding additives and dyes, not for fuel mixing," he said.


Tight monitoring 

Mars Ega emphasized that distribution and quality of marketed fuel are strictly monitored by the Downstream Oil and Gas Supervisory Agency (BPH Migas) and the Directorate General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). 

"Sampling and quality testing are carried out routinely by independent parties," he said. 

He appealed to the public to always buy fuel at official Pertamina gas stations. 

"If people procure fuel oil at official Pertamina gas stations, we ensure that the fuel sold meets standards. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee the quality," he said. 


Pertamina clarification

Pertamina Vice President for Corporate Communication, Fadjar Djoko Santoso, dismissed the narrative that Pertamina had mixed RON (Research Octane Number) 90 fuel or Pertalite into RON 92 fuel or Pertamax. This is done by combining Pertalite with 7 percent ethanol to produce Pertamax green 92.

He said that the narrative that has been circulating across social media platforms does not match the Attorney General's Office's (AGO) explanation over the ongoing investigation into the corruption allegations within the Pertamina Group and its business partners that had caused Rp193.7 trillion (US$12.5 billion) in State losses. 

"We ensure that the products that reach the public are in accordance with their respective specifications," Fadjar said on Tuesday, February 25, 2025. 

He cited that the Attorney General's Office is investigating the purchase of RON 90 and RON 92 fuel in connection with the alleged corruption related to crude oil and refinery product management. 

The AGO invetigation has found out that the suspect in the case, President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Riva Siahaan, purchased RON 90 fuel but paid for RON 92, which was then blended in storage/depot. 

Fadjar emphasized that Pertamina still needs to import crude oil because domestic refineries are not yet fully capable of processing all types of crude oil. 

"Our refineries have not all been upgraded and are not flexible in processing various types of crude, so domestic fuel production is still in deficit compared to consumption," he said. 

Besides Pertamina, the House also summoned the President Director of Mobility Shell Indonesia, PT Aneka Petroindo Raya (BP-AKR), PT AKR Corporindo, PT Indomobil Prima Energi, and PT Vivo Energy Indonesia to discuss the alleged adulteration of fuel oil at a number of Pertamina gas stations (SPBU).

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