Police raise sea barrier case status in Tangerang to “comprehensive investigation”

  • Published on 06/02/2025 GMT+7

  • Reading time 2 minutes

  • Author: Julian Isaac

  • Editor: Imanuddin Razak

The National Police’s Directorate of General Crimes Investigation has raised the status of the 30-kilometer sea barrier case of Tangerang waters in Banten Province from preliminary investigation (penyelidikan) to comprehensive investigation (penyidikan) on Tuesday, February 4, 2025.

The increase in investigation status was made upon the finding of evidence in the form of alleged falsification of authentic Land Use Rights Certificates (SHGB) and Land Ownership Rights Certificates (SHM) over plots of land where the sea barrier was erected.

"We have been looking for the evidence first. Before we find the suspect, etc., we still prioritize the principle of presumption of innocence. But in principle, we have prepared for further investigation," Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro, Director of General Crimes Investigation at the National Police’s Crimes Investigation Agency (Bareskrim Polri), said on Tuesday, February 4, 2025.

However, the police have yet to reveal the perpetrators who are the potential suspects as they are currently preparing further investigations.

There were five witnesses examined for the investigation on Tuesday, namely Raden Lukman, an official with the Licensed Surveyor Services Office (KJSB) at the Tangerang Regency Administration; two officials from the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN); an official with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP); and an official with the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Tangerang Regency.

The day before, seven witnesses had been examined, the results of which became the basis for police investigators to conduct a case conference. The case conference was attended by a team from Bareskrim, key investigators in the case, middle-level investigators and investigators in the Directorate of General Crimes Investigation.

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