Indonesia and Norway launch US$60 million emission reduction partnership

  • Published on 11/12/2024 at 07:46 GMT+7

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Indonesia and Norway have launched the fourth phase of their result-based contribution (RBC) partnership, committing US$60 million (Rp952 billion) based on emission reductions achieved during the 2019-2020 period.

Indonesian Minister of Environment and Forestry, Hanif Faisol Nurofiq, said that the funding commitment of the project, which is aimed at supporting Indonesia's ongoing efforts in reducing deforestation and mitigating climate change, was secured following Indonesia’s submission of the 2019-2020 measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) documents.

“This represents a success story for the implementation of Article 5 of the Paris Agreement,” Hanif said on Tuesday, December 11, 2024, while referring to the agreement’s provisions on climate financing and emission reduction efforts.

As part of the fourth phase partnership, Norway will contribute US$60 million to Indonesia’s verified efforts to curb deforestation.

To date, Norway has provided a total of US$216 million under the RBC scheme, recognizing Indonesia’s progress in reducing emissions through forest conservation initiatives.

Looking ahead, Hanif emphasized Indonesia’s climate targets outlined in its Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), aiming for a 31.89 percent reduction in emissions by 2030 through domestic efforts, with a potential increase to 43.2 percent if international support is secured. The government plans to further strengthen these goals with the upcoming release of its Second NDC.

“This RBC collaboration between Indonesia and Norway will play a key role in achieving these targets,” he said.

“It strengthens our partnership and provides a solid foundation for addressing future environmental challenges,” he added.

Climate change

Minister of Forestry, Raja Juli Antoni, similarly underscored the importance of this cooperation, describing it as a collective effort to combat climate change at the grassroots level.

This includes Indonesia’s commitment to the Forest and Other Land Use Net Sink 2030 (FOLU Net Sink 2030), a strategy aimed at ensuring that carbon absorption from forests and land use exceeds emissions by 2030.

“Indonesia and Norway are setting an example of how two nations can collaborate to tackle climate challenges,” Raja Juli said.

The US$60 million contribution marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing collaboration between the two countries, further cementing their commitment to achieving global climate goals and addressing environmental issues.

“We highly value this partnership and will continue to strengthen our cooperation and collaboration efforts,” Raja Juli concluded.

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