

Energi Mega Persada reports improved financial performance in 2024

PT Energi Mega Persada (EMP) recorded a solid financial performance in 2024, reporting an 11 percent increase in net sales from US$420.8 million in 2024 to US$467.4 million in 2024, a 5 percent rise in EBITDA from US$265.7 million in 2023 to US$278 .9 million in 2024, and a 10 percent growth in net profit from US$68.4 million in 2023 to US$75.4 million in 2024.


Investment ministry promotes downstream investment in Australia

A delegation of the Indonesian Ministry of Investment and Downstreaming went for an Australian tour on March 19-20, 2025 offering invesment opportunities and bilateral cooperation with business communities in Down Under.

PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa (DSSA) image source: IDX Channel

DSSA books strong financial performance, adds investment in sustainable sectors

Mining, energy, chemicals and technology company PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa (DSSA) booked consolidated revenue of US$3 billion for 2024, reflecting solid performance amid global industry dynamics.


Investment ministry, Tools for Humanity to boost digital sector investment

The Ministry of Investment and Downstreaming/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and Tools for Humanity Corporation (TFH) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore investment opportunities in Indonesia’s digital sector. 

Bank Indonesia - image source: Universitas Medan Area

BI maintains interest rate at 5.75 percent amidst market turmoil

The Indonesian Central Bank (BI) has decided to maintain its benchmark interest rate at 5.75 percent in the March 2025 Board of Governors Meeting (RDG) as an effort to maintain the stability of the rupiah exchange rate and anticipate the continuing high global uncertainty. 


Danantara's fossil energy project funding poses economic risks: CERAH

The government's decision to fund multiple downstream and energy security projects − predominantly fossil-based − through the state-managed Daya Anagata Nusantara Investment Agency (BPI Danantara), could cause significant economic risks for the country, says the Center for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action (CERAH).

Makan Gizi Gratis (MBG) - image source: markaberita.id

Free lunch program benefits Chinese manufacturing industry: Businessman

The Indonesian government's free nutritious meal program is reportedly benefiting the Chinese manufacturing industry as most of the dining utensils are imported from China, according to a local business source.

Bank Indonesia - image source: Universitas Medan Area

BI reports decline in net liabilities as foreign assets grow in 2024

The Indonesian Central Bank (BI) reported that Indonesia's international investment position net liabilities throughout 2024 decreased compared to previous years, driven by an increase in foreign financial assets (AFLN) which was higher than foreign financial liabilities (KFLN).


BI's independence questioned for disbursing Rp130 trillion on Housing program

An economist has criticized the support by the Indonesian Central Bank (BI) on the affordable housing program initiated by the government of President Prabowo Subianto, saying that it would reduce the bank’s credibility as an independent monetary authority.

Budi Arie Setiadi - image source: Kemendes PDTT

Prabowo to set up tens of thousands of village cooperatives to boost rural economy

President Prabowo Subianto has instructed the construction of “Red-and-White” Village Cooperatives (Kopdes) in 70-80 thousand villages as part of the efforts to augment the country’s rural economy. 

Perry Warjiyo - image source: Bank Indonesia

Perry Warjiyo

Perry Warjiyo was born in 1959 in Sukoharjo. He is the current Governor of Bank Indonesia. During his early years, he studied in Public Elementary School (SDN) Gawok, Sukoharjo then continued to Public Junior High School (SMPN) Gatak, Sukoharjo, later continued to Public Senior High School (SMAN) 3 Surakarta. He studied S1 at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and graduated in 1982. He continued with Masters and PhDs in Monetary and International Economics from Iowa State University, United States in 1989 and 1991. In his youth, he claimed to be a child of poor farmers.

Diaz Hendropriyono - image source: Katadata.co.id/Fauza Syahputra

Indonesia opens carbon trading to global market, faces challenges in “boosting interest”

Deputy Minister of Environment, Diaz Hendropriyono, says that Indonesia's carbon trading or exchange has begun to open to the international market but apparently fails to lure the interest of market players.

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