Illegal textile imports continue to flood Indonesian market, crippling local businesses
Indonesian textile businesses are expressing concerns about the ongoing influx of illegal textile imports from China.
Ministry welcomes Freeport to discuss about export duty in relation to the company's export permit extension
Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, the Deputy Minister of BUMN, stated that the concerns expressed by Freeport Indonesia about the latest export duty policy will be discussed directly with the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).
Ministry yet to issue export recommendation letter for mining companies
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is yet to issue the recommendation letter allowing mineral export for five companies that have obtained mineral export license.
Ministers race to finish sand export implementing regulation
Several of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's ministers are racing to complete the implementing regulation for the recently permitted sand export. One of the main focus of the regulation is the rendering of sand export license.