Rosan: Indonesia ready to strengthen partnership with European businesses

  • Published on 10/12/2024 at 10:16 GMT+7

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Minister of Investment and Downstream/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Rosan Perkasa Roeslani emphasizes that Indonesia has great potentials and is the right business partner for multinational companies, in particular European ones.

He cited that with Europe’s expertise, technology and resources and Indonesia’s abundant potentials and dynamic market, both sides have a great opportunity to create a strong and mutually beneficial partnership.

“Indonesia represents about 41 percent of ASEAN's population and 36 percent of ASEAN's economy. It is also supported by a growing economy and stable democracy. We have also agreed to set up an EU Desk at the Ministry of Investment and Downstream/BKPM office, following those of China, Japan, and Korea Desks. This is one of the outcomes of today's meeting,” Rosan said in his opening speech of the Indonesia-Europe Investment Summit (IEIS) 2024 held at the Office of the Ministry of Investment and Downstreaming/BKPM on Tuesday, November 10, 2024.

EU Ambassador to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, Denis Chaibi, emphasized that as strategic partners, the EU and Indonesia must work together to strengthen trade and address global challenges. This partnership is based on shared values and visions that make significant contributions not only to both parties, but also globally.

“The European Union, together with its institutions and member states, through its Team Europe approach, is ready to work together with Indonesia to realize the Golden Indonesia Vision 2045. Through key initiatives such as the Global Gateway and Just Energy Transition Partnership as well as the goal of enhancing trade and investment relations, the EU is honored to support Indonesia's priority programs, creating transformative investments that will shape a greener and more inclusive future for all,” Denis said.

Chairman of The European Business Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) Indonesia, Francois de Maricourt, expressed his appreciation to European companies for their commitment to sustainable investment, especially in Indonesia.

Inclusive business ecosystem

He cited that this commitment not only has a positive impact on Indonesia's economic growth, but also strengthens the Indonesia-Europe relations in creating an inclusive business ecosystem.

“With the new government under the leadership of President Prabowo Subianto, European companies are here to demonstrate their commitment to implementing global sustainable practices in Indonesia. These practices not only improve their operational efficiency, but also support Indonesia's broader goals for sustainable investment,” Francois said.

The IEIS 2024 is a collaboration between the Indonesian Ministry of Investment and Downstreaming/BKPM and EuroCham. Present in Indonesia since 2004, EuroCham represents its member companies which include small, medium and large companies from various industrial sectors and European countries. EuroCham also actively represents member companies in an ongoing policy dialog with the Indonesian government.

Over the past five years, European countries have consistently been one of the sources of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Indonesia. In total, 52 countries contributed US$18.7 billion worth of investment in the period of 2019 to the third quarter of 2024. Investment from Europe is the fifth largest origin of investment into Indonesia. The Netherlands, France, and Germany are the three highest contributing European countries.

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