Monday, June 24, 2024

Prabowo: Palestinian independence, a solution to Gaza Conflict

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Gusty da Costa




Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto, told a recent international forum in Jordan that the establishment of a Palestinian state is the real solution to resolve the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

“The Indonesian government and people fully support the independence of Palestine as a real solution to the conflict in Gaza,” Prabowo, who represented President Joko Widodo, told the High-level conference titled Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza, held in the Jordan capital of Amman on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

“We call on all major countries to use their great influence to uphold international law. The humanitarian disaster that is happening before our eyes must be addressed immediately,” he said.

On the occasion, Prabowo emphasized that Indonesia supports the proposal by US President Joe Biden for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

“Indonesia is ready to contribute to all efforts that can lead to such an immediate ceasefire,” the Indonesian minister said.

Prabowo told the conference that Indonesia is committed to increasing contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and sending more medical teams and hospital ships as well as participating in airdropping aid to Gaza if needed.

He also said that Indonesia is ready to accept up to 1,000 patients from Gaza to be treated in hospitals in Indonesia and repatriate them after they recover and the situation in Gaza returns to normal. Indonesia is also ready to provide post-traumatic care and education for Gazan children, he added.

On the sidelines of the conference, Prabowo met with Jordan’s King Abdullah Hussein on Tuesday, discussing plans to increase deliveries of assistance for Gaza, including the possibility of directly sending the aid by airdrop.

In a separate course of event, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared Indonesia’s support on the latest United Nation Security Council Resolution of a three-phase ceasefire proposal in a move to stop the ongoing atrocities against the people of Palestine and towards achieving an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

“Indonesia urges all parties to reach an agreement without delay to ensure a lasting ceasefire, immediate relief for the people of Palestine, and to pave the way towards the implementation of the two-state solution.” the Indonesian foreign ministry said in statement posted on its X account on June 12, 2024.

In the past, ceasefire resolutions had seen some pushback as the council’s permanent member, the US, had used its veto power to prevent them from being adopted.

The freshly adopted resolution had a three-phase approach. The first one proposes a six-week ceasefire plan while calling for the release of hostages and for Israel to withdraw its forces from populated areas in Gaza.

The second phase will see a permanent end to hostilities in exchange for Israeli forces’ full withdrawal, and the release of the remaining hostages.

The third phase is a major multi-year reconstruction plan for Gaza. But if the negotiations take longer than six weeks for the first phase, the ceasefire will remain in place as long as the talks continue.

Gusty da Costa






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