RoClean Indonesia joins oil spill response business in Indonesia

  • Published on 06/02/2025 GMT+7

  • Reading time 2 minutes

  • Author: Renold Rinaldi

  • Editor: Imanuddin Razak

RoClean Indonesia, a joint venture between DESMI RoClean A/S of Denmark and PT Meredian Khatulistiwa of Indonesia, joins the oil spill response equipment production in Indonesia.

Located in the Delta Silicon V Industrial Area, Lippo Cikarang, West Java, RoClean Indonesia is the second of such company in oil spill response equipment production after PT Slickbar Indonesia, which is also located in Cikarang.

“RoClean Indonesia has met the Local Contents (TKDN) of more than 40 percent, which has been verified and will be published in early February 2025. It is part of the effort to contribute to strengthening the domestic industry,” President Director of PT Meredian Khatulistiwa, Heru Tjahyono, said on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. 

RoClean Indonesia produces various types of oil spill response equipment, such as oil booms, oil skimmers, and portable storage tanks. This equipment is designed for use in various locations, from oil refineries, rivers, to open waters.  

Regional production center

With the establishment of RoClean Indonesia, Indonesia is now the center of oil spill response equipment production for the Asian region. DESMI RoClean has even closed its factories in India and Qatar, before moving its production activities to Indonesia. 

As an archipelago with high potential for oil pollution, the existence of this factory is strategic to support maritime environmental resilience. In addition, the technology developed also supports the energy industry and maritime sector in overcoming oil pollution more effectively. 

The presence of RoClean Indonesia is expected to open up opportunities for the development of high-tech industries, create new jobs and improve the skills of the Indonesian workforce in operating and maintaining sophisticated equipment. 

RoClean Indonesia, with technological suport from 185-year old DESMI RoClean, is also expected to provide Indonesian workers with access to international standard training in the field of oil spill response.

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