PHR discovers Indonesia's first unconventional oil & gas well

  • Published on 20/11/2024 GMT+7

  • Reading time 2 minutes

  • Author: Gusty Da Costa

  • Editor: Imanuddin Razak

PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR), an upstream subholding of State energy company PT Pertamina, has made history in the national oil and gas industry after discovering the first unconventional oil and gas (MNK) resource in Indonesia, namely the Gulamo DET-1 Well in the Rokan Block, Dumai, Riau. 

PHR Executive Vice President for Upstream Business, Andre Wijanarko, cited that the Gulamo DET-1 Well is the first well in Indonesia exhibiting hydrocarbon flow to the surface from the MNK resource. 

"This achievement is a new milestone for PHR and the national oil and gas industry. With this success, we are increasingly confident in the great potential of developing MNK in the Rokan Block," Andre said as quoted in a statement on Tuesday, November 19, 2024. 

This discovery was announced after PHR completed a series of technical tests, including fracturing and flowback tests on the Brown Shale Formation. The process produces hydrocarbon samples that indicate the potential for large energy reserves in the area. 

Andre said that the next stage is to evaluate the potential of the resources found and plan further exploration. This includes drilling appraisal wells using long horizontal well technology and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing 

Head of the Exploration Division of SKK Migas, Sunjaya Eka Saputra, praised the discovery of the unconventional oil and gas resource, while suggesting that the success of PHR is a step forward in MNK exploration which could be an example for the development of other MNK fields in Indonesia. 

"This success proves that efforts to develop unconventional oil and gas resources are bearing fruit and can increase the contribution of the energy sector to national needs," Sunjaya said. 

About unconventional oil&gas

Unconventional Oil and Natural Gas (NNG) are oil and gas resources that are confined to low-permeability reservoir rocks. Its production requires sophisticated technology such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing. This type of oil and gas includes shale oil, shale gas, tight sand oil, tight sand gas, coalbed methane gas, and methane-hydrate. 

With its great potential, the development of MNK is expected to strengthen Indonesia's energy security and support the national oil and gas lifting target in the future.

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