Minister of Communication and Digital Application (Komdigi) met with Head of the on Thursday, January 9, 2025, discussing the eradication of online gambling, with focus on improving information technology (IT), IT governance, and improving human resources (HR).
BPPIK is a non-structural institution formed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024 to carry out tasks in the field of development control and special investigations.
Through Presidential Regulation No. 159/2024, BPPIK is a development of the Presidential Delivery Unit which is formed every presidential term to optimize supervision, control, monitoring, and tracking efforts for the implementation of development programs and activities.
“We will also hold an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), collaborating in a more formal form to oversee the programs of the Ministry of Communication and Digital,” Meutya Hafid, Minister of Communication and Digital, said on Thursday, January 9, 2025.
Aris Marsudiyanto, Head of BPPIK vowed that the agency would help continue the eradication of online gambling to its roots, emphasizing the need for IT improvements in all ministries, institutions, and agencies.
In addition, both Meutya and Aris discussed the need to improve and update hardware and software devices, so that government governance can be more efficient, fast, and transparent. They ended the discussion with commitment to improving human resource development.
Aris touched on the importance of integrity, especially in Komdigi as one of the strategic ministries.
“Don’t let the equipment be modern, but the human resources do not have adequate integrity,” Aris said.