IKN Authority partners with universities and stakeholders to transform IKN into a sustainable ecotourism hub

  • Published on 08/08/2023 at 14:30 GMT+7

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The IKN Authority collaborates with various parties to realize IKN as an ecotourism city that uses the concept of a sustainable urban forest.

Bambang Susantono, Head of the IKN Agency, said that green space covering 65% of the 256,000 hectare capital city will not decrease and tourism will not damage the local ecosystem.

The IKN Authority will then focus on innovative developments aimed at making the capital a distinctive tourist destination, by proposing Indonesia X as a brand for the tourism program.

To do this, cooperation is needed to strengthen the development of IKN until 2045 by forming a consortium.

Bambang, along with three rectors from Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Brawijaya University (UNIBRAW), and Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), signed an MoU related to cooperation in education, research, and community empowerment.

This MoU aims to develop human resources through education and training, empowerment of expertise, use of data and/or information, scientific studies/research, and community service.

"I hope that the development of IKN can be carried out jointly with various stakeholders, including universities, by making the consortium a means of coordination and not individually," said Ova Emilia, Rector of UGM.

According to him, five grouping steps are needed, namely city health, greening, and the economy, future cities, empowerment, and digital society.

"Because the essence of urban development is dealing with reforestation," said Ari Kuncoro, Rector of the University of Indonesia (UI).

Meanwhile, Widodo, Rector of UNIBRAW Malang said that there is a need for an instrument that can identify the various parties in this consortium so that all are integrated.

On the other hand Arif Satria, Rector of IPB University said it was necessary to build a science center that would not only research flora and fauna, but also protect local indigenous peoples.

Meanwhile, Hayati Enda Sulistyawati, representative of the Rector of ITB and also the Dean of the School of Science and Technology, said that risks and their mitigation need to be taken into account.

Bambang hopes that from the discussion a number of chancellors can provide knowledge and evidence based. However, real action is needed so that the MoU can be implemented in a real program.

"On that basis, we are conducting a collaborative program with academics," he added.

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