BSSN's cybersecurity efforts for fair and safe 2024 general election

  • Published on 31/03/2023 at 14:38 GMT+7

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The National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) has started preparing efforts to mitigate cyber-attack risks, which are expected to rise ahead of the 2024 General Elections. 

BSSN will be anticipating the dissemination of hoaxes or fake news, attacks on data banks, and disruption of transmission channels. 

An official from BSSN coordination board informed that ahead of the 2024 General Elections, the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) has received 7,650 reports of cyber-attacks detected in 116 out of the 514 regencies/cities across Indonesia.

Looking back at the 2014-2019 elections, it was found at least three types of cyber threats were consistently identified during the electoral process.

First, there were social cyber-attacks, such as the spreading of hoaxes or fake news, as well as hate speech. 

Secondly, technical cyber-attacks on data banks, applications, and digital network systems. And lastly, disruptions to transmission channels such as radio signals and frequency were observed. 

This was conveyed by the Head of BSSN, Hinsa Siburian, in the meeting with Commision I DPR, Wednesday (29/3). 

Identifying vulnerabilities

On the same occasion, BSSN spokesperson, Ariandi Putra, also added that so far, they have identified several things related to cyber assets, especially in the applications owned by the General Election Commission (KPU).

They did not deny there are several vulnerabilities in the KPU’s digital system, without mentioning specifics. 

As anticipation, BSSN is implementing a four-stage security measure, which has been carried out from January 2023 until the end of 2024.

The four stages include planning, preparation, implementation, and termination of digital system security measures for several institutions. 

BSSN is already forming a specialized task force to identify any vulnerabilities in the election systems. This task force involves several stakeholders including KPU, Bawaslu, the Communication and Information Ministry, and other institutions, both central and regional, to ensure the security of election systems. 

The task force will also send early warnings to its institutions and agencies whose systems are detected to have been attacked.

As the 2022 Indonesia Cyber Security Landscape reported, there were 1,433 early warning notifications and cyber incidents sent to government agencies, and this number is predicted to increase annually, Hinsa said. 

In addition, BSSN is forming the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), to prevent, handle, and respond to cyber security threats in institutions and agencies.

As of March 2023, there are already 59 CSIRTs forming in government institutions/agencies, including in the KPU, according to BSSN data. 

Government funding support

To optimize the BSSN efforts, the government has also demonstrated its commitment to support the agency, including in terms of budget and personnel.

A member of the Commission I DPR from Golkar Party, Dave Akbarshah Fikarno stated that in 2023, BSSN’s budget is expected to reach IDR 624 billion, an increase from the previous year of IDR 554 billion. 

On the same occasion, a member of Commission I DPR from Nasdem Party, M Farhan, also added that, ahead of the 2024 general elections, it is important to ensure preparedness and security, particularly at the KPU and the Ministry of Home Affairs.

These institutions not only have to deal with technical matters related to the elections, but they also have to ensure compliance with the Law No 27 of 2022 on the Protection of Personal Data and it's implementing regulations related to public voter data. 

BSSN also expects the public and participants of the 2024 elections will help the government in protecting cyberspace. The public should use voting rights well in accordance with the procedure established by the KPU.

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