Confiscated oil palm land transferred to Agrinas for green energy production

State-owned palm oil company PT Agrinas Palma Nusantara has targeted the confiscated land it manages to produce at least 25 tons per hectare (ha) of palm oil per year, with a focus in the production of biofuel for diesel fuel mixtures − biodiesel.
President Director of Agrinas Palma Nusantara, Lieutenant General (ret.) Agus Sutomo, said the direction taken by the company is in line with the energy self-sufficiency target of the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka administration. The product will be the ultimate goal of oil palm land management.
Agrinas manages oil palm land, which had been confiscated by the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) as evidence from the investigation into a corruption case involving oil palm plantation of PT Duta Palma Group.
The oil palm plantation was handed over by the AGO to the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) to be managed by Agrinas Palma Nusantara.
Agus said that until now he does not know whether the management of the confiscated land will be carried out entirely by Agrinas or whether there will be cooperation with other parties, such as State-owned plantation company PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV.
Land handover
Attorney General ST Burhanuddin, along with Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir and Minister of Defense Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, handed over some 222 thousand ha of confiscated oil palm plantation land to PT Agrinas Palma Nusantara on Monday, March 10, 2025.
Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes, Febrie Adriansyah, revealed said that the 222 thousand ha of plot of land was evidence confiscated from the investigation into corruption case at PT Duta Palma Group's oil palm plantation business activities.
"This location is in Indragiri Hulu Regency (Riau), where the suspect is a corporation. There are nine companies that are members of PT Duta Palma Group," Febrie said on Monday, March 10, 2025.
He cited that seven companies have handed over suspects and evidence from investigators to the public prosecutor. Meanwhile, two other companies are still under investigation. However, he did not mention the nine companies.
"Of the nine corporate suspects, there are 37 plots of land for oil palm plantation confiscated with a total area of 221,868.421 ha or some 222 thousand ha," he said.
The seven plots of land covering an area of 43,824.52 ha are located in Kuantan Singingi, Rokan Hulu, Kampar, and Pelalawan regencies of Riau province. Meanwhile, the other 21 plots of oil palm plantations covering an area of 137,626.01 ha are spread across Bengkayang and Sambas regencies in West Kalimantan province.
Febrie said that the plantation evidence is an important instrument not only because it is part of law enforcement, but also has many implications. He, however, said that the Attorney General’s Office has limitations in managing this evidence.
"There are workers that need to continue working, potential plantations that must be maintained, contracts of rights and obligations in business qualifications that must not be terminated. The Attorney General's Office has since the beginning appealed to the Ministry of SOEs so that this confiscated asset can be managed," he said.
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