Sritex, a legendary textile mill, goes bankrupt

  • Published on 24/10/2024 at 08:45 GMT+7

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The Semarang City Commercial Court has granted the request of one of PT Sri Rejeki Isman’s Tbk (Sritex) creditors to maintain the continuity of debt payment obligations (PKPU), thus declaring the legendary textile company bankrupt.

Semarang City Commercial Court Spokesperson, Haruno Patriadi, said in Semarang, Central Java, on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, confirming the decision that befalls PT Sritex to go bankrupt.

According to him, the decision in the conference led by Chief Justice Muhammad Anshar Majid granted the request of PT Indo Bharat Rayon as a debtor of PT Sritex.

"Granting the complaint request. Canceling the PKPU peace plan in January 2022," Haruno said in a written statement.

In the decision, he said, a curator and a supervising judge were appointed.

"Furthermore, the curator will arrange a meeting with the debtors," he added.

Previously, in January 2022, PT Sritex was sued by one of its debtors, CV Prima Karya, after the textile company filed for a postponement of debt payment obligations (PKPU).

The Semarang City Commercial Court granted PKPU lawsuit filed against PT Sritex and three other textile companies.

As time went by, PT Sritex was again sued by PT Indo Bharat Rayon because it was considered not to fulfill the debt payment obligations that had been agreed upon.

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