SKK Migas, ESDM ministry, Eni hold 3D seismic survey in pursuit of giant discovery

  • Published on 07/06/2024 at 10:14 GMT+7

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The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Task Force (SKK Migas) is coordinating with the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (ESDM) and ENI Indonesia for a 3D seismic survey plan of US$70 million (Rp 1.1 trillion) in pursuit of more oil and gas reserves.

The 3D seismic survey is part of the efforts of the government and SKK Migas to find oil and gas reserves and increase production by encouraging increased exploration activities, both within the working area and in open areas aimed at finding potential new oil and gas reserves. This is to support the sustainability of the upstream oil and gas industry whose role is increasingly needed in the era of energy transition and as an effort to support efforts to increase national oil and gas production as stipulated in the long term plan (LTP).

Following the government's decision to approve the massive offshore 3D seismic survey in the open area of the Kutai Basin, the Oil and Gas Prospectivity and Working Area Data Management Division of SKK Migas held a kick of meeting with the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the ESDM ministry, Pusdatin of the ESDM ministry and the implementing contractor ENI Indonesia in Jakarta at the end of May. The event was the momentum for the commencement of the offshore 3D seismic survey in the open area of the Kutai Basin.

Coordination with stakeholders is a process that must be completed considering the challenges that will be faced in this seismic survey are classified as complex which include operational aspects such as a very large survey area, varying sea depths, sea waves in the deep sea and social aspect challenges because the survey area includes fishermen areas.

Head of Oil and Gas Prospectivity and Working Area Data Management Division of SKK Migas, Asnidar, expressed his appreciation and support for the plan to conduct a massive offshore 3D seismic survey in an open area using the remaining value of the firm commitment in the Arguni I Working Area.

“This survey activity is expected to open up new potential resources in the Kutai Basin and give birth to new prospective working areas and followed by further investment in prospective working areas through joint studies or regular tenders,” Asnidar said on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

Head of Kalimantan-Sulawesi Representative of SKK Migas, Azhari Idris, confirmed SKK Migas' support for the seismic survey plan.

“We and the Contractor will coordinate and cooperate with government stakeholders and fishing communities, especially regarding non-technical aspects, communicating and mapping social issues in the survey area to ensure government activities in the search for new sources of oil and gas reserves run well,” Azhari said.

Regarding the seismic survey plan in the open area in the Kutai Basin, the Coordinator of Oil and Gas Exploration Supervision at the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, the ESDM ministry, Yulianto, said that the government always supports exploration activities in open areas and will always synergise with SKK Migas and Contractors to get potential candidate areas to become working area candidates.

“We hope that the implementation of 3D seismic will be successful and get results according to the target, and the contractor should coordinate at any time with SKK Migas, MIGAS and other stakeholders,” Yulianto said.


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