Saturday, January 25, 2025

Union protests dismissal of a worker in Morowali over minor negligence

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Gusty da Costa




The Morowali Industrial Workers Union (SPIM) is protesting the decision of the management of PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS), a metal mineral processing and stainless steel production company located within the Morowali Industrial Park in Morowali, Southeast Sulawesi, to dismiss its worker for minor negligence while on duty.

The worker, identified only as Anwar, did not chock the wheels of a dump truck, which he operated overnight as he parked the truck in the morning of November 6, 2024 after completing his night shift.

Anwar had argued that he did not chock the wheels because of technicalities as he was about to complain since he began his night shift before midnight of November 5. He decided not to chock the wheels as he could not find the hand gloves needed to operate the truck and was to look for the mechanic to have the left rear turn lamp of the dump truck repaired after it went off.

“Anwar’s reason for not doing so was closely related to Occupational Health and Safety procedures, “ Anas Rusdi, Deputy Secretary General of SPIM, said as quoted in a statement on Friday, December 27, 2024.

Anwar, who is also a treasurer of SPIM, was dismissed following a report filed by a Chinese superintendent to the management of PT ITSS. The superintendent equippped the report with the photo he had taken on the unchocked dump truck left by Anwar.

Anas Rusdi defended that Anwar has worked according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). His employment at PT ITSS is also protected by Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution on every Indonesian citizen’s right for employment, Articles 86 and 87 of Law No. 13/2003 on Workers’ health and safety protection and Law No. 1/1970 on workplace safety.

Anas Rusdi cited that SPIM has, therefore, rejected the dismissal of Anwar and demanded that Anwar be reinstated as employee of PT ITSS.

Gusty da Costa






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